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I think you need to write your own camera (or modify an existing one) if you want a different behavior. At least this is what i did.
If you also need zoom then panning would be better with two fingers because it can be combined with the zoom. ... just like viewing a photo on your smartphone.

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Hi @Kesshi -

If you could provide the source for your camera as well as a code example, this could be very useful to me as well as other users I'm certain. And just a thought... I can't imagine that it would take very long to create an extension to babylon.js.:rolleyes: Adding extensions such as this to BJS is part of what makes the babylon.js framework as fantastic as it has become. So I know the entire community would appriciate such an act of good will.

If this doesn't already exist (which I'm not aware,) I would hope that at least one of the contributers to the framework might impliment in a future release. @Deltakosh...?  @davrous...? Anyone...?



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@Deltakosh -

I love when I waste my time commenting on topics because I'm too lazy to read the documentation! Unless this hasn't been documented, although I doubt DK and others would have ommitted such a huge feature. Anyone else want to join my Ignorant Bastard's Club? I'm currently the founder and CEO.


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3 hours ago, Deltakosh said:

Hello with 2.4 we introduced all you need to achieve this goal: http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials/Customizing_Camera_Inputs

@Nastro so you don't need to write your own camera but your own camera input.
Basically this is also what i did. In my framework i use the plain TargetCamera (without any camera inputs) and i wrote a custom camera controller to control the camera.
@dbawel Unfortunately i can't provide the source for my camera controller because its part of a commercial project. It also contains a lot of logic to increase the usability. For example the ArcRotateCamera always zooms towards the center of the view which is not so nice. In my case i zoom towars the point under the mouse cursor/finger. On a touch device the 2 finger pan/zoom behaves just like the pan/zoom of a photo on a smartphone ... but in 3d which makes it a bit more complicated for the implementation.

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Hi @Kesshi -

I appriciate the response. I downloaded v2.4 and took a look at the new features as DK recommended. Perhaps some of these were introduced in v2.3, however the Universal Camera in v2.4 apparently supports more keyboard and mouse control events - which will allow me to add what I need for our purposes. We are building apps and not games currently; so for touchscreen tablets and devices, it appears much simpler to take advantage of some newer control support directly - especially for Ipad and Android tablets where there is no mouse - and of course, smartphones. 

So it's all good. Thanks to @davrous for adding the controls functionality. His timing is always impeccable and almost always appears to be in sync with our needs.



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