Ahmed Khalifa Posted June 8, 2016 Share Posted June 8, 2016 Hello everyone, I wanted to scale my game up in Phaser. So I used world.scale.set(2, 2). Yup everything is scaled up but Not everything is working as expected when I move the camera. The tilemap is file it moves with the camera correctly while any other object added to the world normal sprite or a group with a fixedToCamera = true; Here is a gif that shows the problem I move the camera with 1 tile each time, the red banner is the HUD. Anyone know why this is happening? Here is the code for constructing the objects var dungeonWidth:number = 30; var dungeonHeight:number = 25; this.pcgTiles = new PCGTilemap(this.game, "graphics", 16, 16, dungeonWidth, dungeonHeight); this.pcgTiles.generateCellularMap(0.55, [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]], 3, 6, 5); this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, this.game.width * (1 - 1/ Global.scale) + Global.tileSize * dungeonWidth, this.game.height * (1 - 1/ Global.scale) + Global.tileSize * dungeonHeight + Global.hudSize * Global.tileSize); var test:Phaser.Sprite = this.game.add.sprite(100, 100, "graphics"); test.animations.add("default", [0]); test.play("default") this.hudObject = new HUDObject(this.game); this.hudObject.fixedToCamera = true; this.add.existing(this.hudObject); Here is the code for moving the camera: if(this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.UP)){ this.camera.y -= Global.tileSize; this.game.input.keyboard.reset(); } if(this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN)){ this.camera.y += Global.tileSize; this.game.input.keyboard.reset(); } if(this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT)){ this.camera.x -= Global.tileSize; this.game.input.keyboard.reset(); } if(this.game.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT)){ this.camera.x += Global.tileSize; this.game.input.keyboard.reset(); } Anyone can help with this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ahmed Khalifa Posted June 8, 2016 Author Share Posted June 8, 2016 I solved the problem but not from Phaser I changed the canvas outside in the index.html #content{ zoom: 2; } canvas{ image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; /* Older versions of FF */ image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; /* FF 6.0+ */ image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari */ image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; /* OS X & Windows Opera (12.02+) */ image-rendering: pixelated; /* Awesome future-browsers */ -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; /* IE */ } It does the same thing I want without any problems but there is still a bug in Phaser or something I don't understand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carystanley Posted June 9, 2016 Share Posted June 9, 2016 Yes, I found the CSS approach to be the best solution. Even better you can use media queries to resize it to 3x3 to 4x4 based on how big the browser window is. I had not used the zoom parameter before though. I explicitly set the width instead. I don't think "zoom" is well supported yet: http://caniuse.com/#feat=css-zoom canvas { margin: 0 auto; image-rendering: pixelated } @media screen and (min-width: 260px) and (min-height: 230px) { canvas { width: 256px !important; height: 224px !important } } @media screen and (min-width: 520px) and (min-height: 450px) { canvas { width: 512px !important; height: 448px !important } } @media screen and (min-width: 770px) and (min-height: 680px) { canvas { width: 768px !important; height: 672px !important } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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