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3DSMax LightMap generation for Babylon


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Is somebody can explains me the setting I need to use (in 'Render to Texture' popup) to generate LightMaps with 3DSMax for Babylon.js?

I done a lot of test and the result when the model is exported for Babylon is a black screen...

Thanks for your help.



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In 3dsmax you just have to put your lightmap in the ambiant channel or lightmap channel (depends whats your want) of your (standard) material. You can use UV1 or UV2. Then, export to babylonjs, and it should be works.

As for the render to texture popup, settings depends only of your render engine. It only generates a texture map. I don't use the option which create shell material, maybe your issue come from here ?

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It's exactly wath Idone, but It doesn't work with my model... Black screen in Babylon...

You can see the options I used in attached picture (sorry it's in French)



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There is no reason that the issue comes from the RTT, this tool is just 3dsmax internal.

Is your scene works without lightmap ? Have you try to set a lightmap via javascript, just to test ?

Here an example if you want (here, the lightmap will use UV1 by default, but we don't care at this time) :

scene.getMeshByName("yourMeshName").material.ambientTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("yourLightmap.png", scene);


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  • in the RTT, don't create shell material nJ80KGa.png
  • reassign the right material GCMWQMg.png
  • in this material, set the ambient color to whatever except black
  • maybe set the scene ambient color too
  • create a camera

and it should works :



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