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Phaser and Angular - access this.game from the DOM


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Hi there,

I am trying to create an Phaser/Angular2 game in Typescript with the canvas in background and the DOM at the front.
I would like to do either :
1 - Change the state when I click on a button from the DOM.
2 - Or change the state when I open a component with Angular2 with the constructor of the class (in Angular2 a component is based on a class).

The problem I have is that I cannot access the Phaser.game element from a fonction triggered from the DOM or in the constructor of the class.

0 : I define the Phaser.Game object on a first class, I start the first state and I go to the page "/loader" with the angular route :

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {LoaderComponent} from '/loader.ts';
import { ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Routes, Router } from '@angular/router';

  template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet><div id="content"></div>',
  directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]

  {path: '/loader', component: LoaderComponent}

export class GameComponent extends Phaser.Game{

  super('100%','100%',Phaser.AUTO,'content', {create : this.create});

  this.state.add('Loader', LoaderComponent);

1 : In the first state I create a button and console.log this.game

import {Component} from '@angular/core';

  template : '<button (click)="log()">Log</button>'

export class LoaderComponent extends Phaser.State{
  public game:Phaser.Game;
  constructor (){
    console.log(this.game); //return null
     console.log(this.game); //return the right Phaser.Game object
    console.log(this.game); //return null
    //this.game.state.start('NewState'); //Not working obviously

I guess this is because the Phaser.Game is liked to the Phaser.State object accessible from preload and create, but how can I access this object from the constructor or at least the fonction 'log()' ?
Thanks for your help =)

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