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Tiled & Phaser


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Hello all! I am trying to create a Tiled map for a little sidescrolling game i'm making, and I've followed the Phaser and Tiled documentation, but I for whatever reason cannot get the map imported correctly. I'm using Phaser v2.4.4, and one of the errors I'm getting is "Phaser.Tileset - image tile area is not an even multiple of tile size", and through a series of tests I found that my tilemap isn't even loading in which is probably the main reason for my issues. I have it in the preload (game.load.tilemap('Doom_Map', 'js/Doom_Map.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); ) and in the create function (map = game.add.tilemap('Doom_Map');) but it seems to die out here. Any help or ideas would be appreciated! :)

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I've done a little research and i've found a window.atob method that should decode base64 and eliminate any problems. The issue is, for whatever reason it's finding an invalid character somewhere in my JSON? And the issue with my map is its already base64 so i believe i'd have to redo it to get it to CSV format, would i be better off doing that or is there another way?

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