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How do you find the edge of a mesh?


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another simple fast way CPU side (the simplest actually) :

if your edge is one of the ground widths : the first subdivisions+1 vertices are on the edge. So, for the whole mesh the first sub+1 and last sub+1 are the edges.

if your edges are the sides of the ground (the heights) : 

left side : all the vertices with an index stride of sub+1 :0, sub+1, 2 * (sub+1), ..., (sub+1) * (sub+1)

right side : the same but starting at index sub : sub, 2*sub+1, 2*(sub+1)+sub, ..., (sub+1)*(sub+1)+sub

if i''m not wrong 

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9 hours ago, NasimiAsl said:

Wow! This is really awesome! I am impressed.
It looks really good on my PC. The bad news - performance on mobile seems even worse than my groundmesh based solution so far. Hope it will be possible to optimize it.

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