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Animation weights warped after Blender export


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I have some players that are rigged but have no animations and I have a master animation file.  I am cloning those animations to each new player as they appear in the scene.  

I'm using this kind of code to transfer the animation:

	this.mesh.skeleton = Assets.animator.skeleton.clone(JSON.idx);
	this.mesh.skeleton.copyAnimationRange(Assets.animator.skeleton, "Idle");
	this.mesh.skeleton.copyAnimationRange(Assets.animator.skeleton, "Walk");
	this.mesh.skeleton.copyAnimationRange(Assets.animator.skeleton, "Run");

"Assets.animator" is the mesh with the master animations.  "this.mesh" is the new player.  This process works fine but I'm having a problem with one player in particular.

When I apply the run animation from the master into my player in Blender it looks like this:



But in my Babylon.js scene it looks like this:


It looks like something has happened to the bone weighting on the arm.  Does anyone know how to fix this?


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31 minutes ago, adam said:

Make sure you don't have any positions or scaling that has not been applied to your model in Blender.

Yep, got that sorted.  I apply position and scale to mesh and armature after I've done the process of clearing parent and re-parenting.

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29 minutes ago, adam said:

I'd try clearing all the vertex groups when re-parenting (remove parent, clear all vertex groups, then parent).

Can you post a screenshot with the skeleton viewer turned on in the BJS debugger?

Ok, I cleared out the vertex groups before re-parenting but the end result was the same.

Here's the skeleton from the debugger:


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When you re-parented did you also check that rotation, location, and scale had been applied to the skeleton too?

I had a similar issue with one of my models.  Looked fine in Blender, but in BJS the skeleton did not line up with the mesh.

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34 minutes ago, adam said:

When you re-parented did you also check that rotation, location, and scale had been applied to the skeleton too?

I had a similar issue with one of my models.  Looked fine in Blender, but in BJS the skeleton did not line up with the mesh.

Yep, always making sure I apply the transformations.

I made a playground where I have the exported babylonjs file but I bundled the animations with the mesh, instead of cloning and copying and the funny arm problem went away.  


I'll create another playground with the cloning to see if I can replicate the problem

(Ignore the skipping frames for now.  That happens with all my exports and I don't know how to get rid of it :(  )

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14 minutes ago, adam said:

I see errors in the console when I comment out line 29.  Maybe that isn't what you were referring to. 

I don't know what's going on there.  I just ignored it 'cos it doesn't happen on my server. 

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