KonceptZer0 Posted April 24, 2016 Share Posted April 24, 2016 So I'm going about reducing the number of lines of code in a game I'm creating and I have several functions that are basically doing the same thing: adding a group to my game and proceeding to do a bunch of the same stuff to that group. So I figured I could just unify those instructions into one function and call it a bunch of times for the different groups, passing the name of the group as an argument like so: doGroupStuff: function(groupName){ this.groupName = this.add.group(); //do other stuff to this group }, doGroupStuff(firstGroup); doGroupStuff(secondGroup); (etc.) Except that isn't quite working and I'm probably just being ignorant to something very basic I should know. Can anyone help me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rich Posted April 25, 2016 Share Posted April 25, 2016 var bombs; var beasts; function doStuffToGroup(groupName) { this[groupName] = game.add.group(); ... } doStuffToGroup('bombs'); doStuffToGroup('beasts'); 3ddy and KonceptZer0 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KonceptZer0 Posted May 2, 2016 Author Share Posted May 2, 2016 So, I've only had the chance to test this out today, (working on a ton of different projects in parallel for college sucks), and it works, but now I'm running into a different error: My function is taking a bunch of arguments to augment the group, creating multiple sprites, enabling physics, etc. createSpriteGroup: function(groupName, physics, number, key, reward, dropRate, animated, delay) { this[groupName] = this.add.group(); this[groupName].createMultiple(number, key); if(physics){ this[groupName].enableBody=true; this[groupName].physicsBodyType=Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; this[groupName].setAll('outOfBoundsKill', true); this[groupName].setAll('checkWorldBounds', true); } this[groupName].setAll('anchor.x', 0.5); this[groupName].setAll('anchor.y', 0.5); this[groupName].setAll('reward', reward, false, false, 0, true); this[groupName].setAll('dropRate', dropRate, false, false, 0, true); if(animated){ this[groupName].forEach(function(unit){ unit.animations.add('fly', [0,1,2,0], 20, true); unit.animations.add('hit', [3,1,3,2,3], 20, false); unit.events.onAnimationComplete.add(function(u){ u.play('fly'); }, this); }); } if(delay>0){ this[groupName].resTime = delay; } }, I'm calling it like this: this.createSpriteGroup('enemyPool', true, 200, 'greenEnemy', BasicGame.ENEMY_REWARD, BasicGame.ENEMY_DROP_RATE, true, BasicGame.SPAWN_ENEMY_DELAY); this.nextEnemyAt = 0; //also calling this, But when the game tries to access the sprites through: spawnEnemies: function() { if (this.nextEnemyAt < this.time.now && this.enemyPool.countDead() > 0) { this.nextEnemyAt = this.time.now + this.enemyPool.resTime; var enemy = this.enemyPool.getFirstExists(false); enemy.reset(this.rnd.integerInRange(20, this.game.width - 20), 0, BasicGame.ENEMY_HEALTH); //this line here enemy.body.velocity.y = this.rnd.integerInRange(BasicGame.ENEMY_MIN_Y_VELOCITY, BasicGame.ENEMY_MAX_Y_VELOCITY); enemy.play('fly'); } It's returning "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'velocity' of null" in the commented line. Sorry for the ton of pasted code, Any insights? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KonceptZer0 Posted May 3, 2016 Author Share Posted May 3, 2016 Figured it out: Apparently I need to enable body in the group before adding in the sprites... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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