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shadow from box not visible


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I remeber we had that question before, too:


And the answer was this:

On 13.3.2015 at 6:55 PM, Deltakosh said:


4. Shadows are not drawn actually. They block the lighting. So to see the ground, just add some emissiveColor to the material of the ground

So I don't think it's possible, sorry :( Maybe somebody else has a good idea for a workaround.

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sorry but can't also understand why my mesh, is a loaded mesh of a logo, does has this issue

the logo is curved but the shadow is not

seems that increasing map number gets butter 

var shadowGenerator = new BABYLON.ShadowGenerator(10240, d1);


Voila_Capture 2016-04-22_03-59-48_PM.png

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if i try to change bias or get too high with map value the shadow is not displayed

i try with 

shadowGenerator.bias = 1;

shadowGenerator.bias = 0.1;

shadowGenerator.bias = 0.01;

but once is set the shadow in not display

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i don't have PB because i'm loading some resources locally 

shadowGenerator.bias = 0.0003;

this i s the maximum amount that it seems to handle, could it be an issue from model? maybe it doesn't has enough faces?

in screenshot you can see model that it doesn't seem like a straight line but has segments

is it possible to add a blur to the shadow?


Voila_Capture 2016-04-22_05-02-06_PM.png

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