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More Timers in one Game


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Hello, multiple timers, it is impossible to use in one gamelevel, at the same time?

Simple example: I need a timer for the duration of the game (90 seconds).
I need a timer for enemies (short intervals / random).
I need a timer for rare, larger enemies (long intervals / random).

Do not go there with?
var mytime1 = ....
var mytime2 = ....
var mytime3 = ....

I need all 3 timer to the same time. I am so far failed.

The Phaser example "Multiple Timers" does not help me further (because there are not for me "Multiple Timers" because run consecutively and is just a trick. Or I do not understand the message).

Thanks for hints

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Hey Pinkman, there are probably several ways you could tackle this. One of them being: 

init() {
    this.gameTime = 90;

create() {
    this.spawnAllowed = true;
    this.enemyGroup = this.game.add.group(); // create group
    this.game.time.events.add(1000, timerTick); // timer for game running

timerTick() {
    this.gameTime--; // decrease game timer by 1
    if(this.gameTime === 0) { // check if game has finished
        console.log('game over'); 
        this.game.state.start('gameOver, true, false') // send to game over state

createNewEnemy() {
    if (this.spawnAllowed) { // check if spwawning is allowed
         this.enemyGroup.create(x, y, cacheKey, frame); // add sprite to group
         queueEnemy(this.game.rnd.integerInRange(2500, 5000); // call enemy queue for random between 2.5 and 5 seconds

creatNewBoss() {
       if (this.spawnAllowed) { // check if spwawning is allowed
         this.enemyGroup.create(x, y, cacheKey, frame); // add sprite to group
         queueEnemy(this.game.rnd.integerInRange(30000, 45000); // call boss queue for random between 30 and 45 seconds

queueEnemy(time) {
    this.game.time.events.addOnce(time, createNewEnemy); // add a timer that gets called once, then auto disposes to create a new enemy after the time given

queuNewBoss(time) {
    this.game.time.events.addOnce(time, createNewEnemy); // add a timer that gets called once, then auto disposes to create a new enemy after the time given

extraTimeCollected(val) {
    this.gameTime += val; // if a powerup is collected, give the player more time

stopSpawning(time) {
    this.spawnAllowed = false; // stop any enemies from being created will work for queued enemies also;=.


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Hello megmut

I did not expect that someone can help a with such a great example to me. Even with Enemies. Wow. So I can do new studies.

Originally, it was all about the timer. But now I see other errors in the Enemies that would only later noticed.

Therefore, I thank you very much. Certainly no intention you have intervened at the right time.



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