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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'subtract' of undefined


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I've got the following "simple" code. This will be the most complex my model gets, probably, but currently it is not working. I receive the following error when I call BABYLON.Mesh.CreateTube,


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'subtract' of undefined

var tp = createArchPoints(10, 32);
var tube = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateTube('my tube', tp, 2, 12, null, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL, scene);

Which my arch points are created using the very helpful Quadratic Bezier calculation.

var createArchPoints = function(dim, count) {
    var po = new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,0); // origin
    var pc = new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,dim); // control
    var pd = new BABYLON.Vector3(dim,0,dim); // destination
    var points = BABYLON.Curve3.CreateQuadraticBezier(po, pc, pd, count);
    return points;

I know the radius, will be constant; so I do not want a radius function. The points themselves, as far as I can tell, appear to be realistic, as expected.

Is there something I need to do to dress the CreateQuadraticBezier result before passing them to CreateTube?

My assumption is that one returned a Vector3[], which the other expects as a parameter, but I could be wrong, it's hard to tell sometimes with JavaScript being weakly typed.

Any other calculations I need will be along the lines of rectangles in 3D space, even with a couple of transformations and translations, but these are more straightforward in my mind.

To help with response, my level of js confidence is growing probably 4 out of 10; 3D about the same, my frame of reference are libraries like Helix Toolkit for WPF (C#) in which I've already done a similar model, just wanting to do something like that with Babylon; also loosely familiar with THREE, so probably same, 4 out of 10. That to say, I'm learning, but I can discuss halfway intelligently.

Thank you...


Michael Powell

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I got it to work. Since Curve3 is returned from Bezier, it is necessary to access the points.

// better name for it
var createArchCurve = function(dim, count) {
    var po = new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,0); // origin
    var pc = new BABYLON.Vector3(0,0,dim); // control
    var pd = new BABYLON.Vector3(dim,0,dim); // destination
    var points = BABYLON.Curve3.CreateQuadraticBezier(po, pc, pd, count);
    return points;

Following which,

var archCurve = createArchCurve(10, 32);
var tube = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateTube('my tube', archCurve.getPoints(), 0.25, 12, null, BABYLON.Mesh.CAP_ALL, scene);

After that can have fun with material, color, etc.

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