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I'm new to Babylon JS. I have a model that I would like to perform some vertex animation, but I have a problem. In both Blender and Lightwave the model has 9,856 vertices, but after loading the mesh from the Blender-generated .babylon file through ImportMesh(), getTotalVertices() returns 10,400 vertices.

Can anyone explain the discrepancy?

Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, not only do we need to show you where the end of the rainbow is, but now you want us to haul your pot of gold, too?  ;)

heh.  Sounds like you need to investigate 'subMesh'.  Or meshMerge.  Or... just get back to using .parent like a nice young man.  :)

Find a class called 'vertexData'.  It is the "assembler" for all the mesh primitives.  There's TONS to be learned from that class.  It does all the work for Babylon.Mesh.Createxxx().  Notice there is Babylon.Mesh, and Babylon.MeshBuilder.  MeshBuilder does some nice stuff.

Are you still disassembling Node class?  Is your dog watching you?  Does it look like it thinks you are crazy?  :)

All in all, setVerts, getVerts, normals, uvs, colors (per vertex), indices... all are built via arrays on vertexData objects.  It's a nice factory.  :)  Remember to set your mesh updatable = true... if you are about to go mesh-morphing.


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