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Big Obj File

Khaled Sabri

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I took a look at your .obj file, and the problem appears to be the # of individual objects you are trying to parse. There don't appear to be any limits you're currently exceeding, but I've run into this problem before trying to load a large # of simple square buildings into a scene - which usually crashes before they can all load. And if you are able to load a large # of seperate objects, the time to do so is generally beyond acceptable. Unless you need to move each cube individually, then mering these into a single mesh or less meshes to simplify the loading process should/will allow you to load all of the faces in your current .obj file. However, if you merge these cubes into fewer or into a single mesh, you might want to remove any back faces (polygons) which the user won't see. But I doubt you will ever be able to load the # of meshes from a single file into any browser using most any framework.

From my experience, thi isn't a limitation of babylon.js, but a processing issue running the various threads to load so many objects. I haven't tried, but I'm certain you would have beeter luck if you seperated these cubes into more than one file - and you can find this threshold by test a specific # of seperate objects such as 20 or 30 in a single file, and then load multiple .obj files each containing a portion of the total amount of objects - in your case cubes.


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