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import scene


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Since you are loading a scene, which seems to have been exported from a software like Blender. You will need to access them via

var tankard = scene.getMeshByName('Circle');

Circle was the name given most likely from the program used to create the .babylon file. I found this by inspecting the scene.meshes array.

Note the scene loader seems to be using the camera from the scene, which is why your code does not create a BJS camera and use it.


Otherwise you will want to use the Asset Manager to load in the .babylon file and access the task.loadedMeshes array and assign it to an object.


Then access the meshes properties, ie tankard.position.x = 10;


Please refer to the playground (http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/# ) and the tutorials ( http://doc.babylonjs.com/tutorials ), which are really good resources to learn more!

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Спасибо больше. За исчерпывающий ответ. Я старюсь изучить  babylon  используя документацию. Но это затруднительно для меня так как я не в совершенстве владею знаниями английского. 

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