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how do I use this method?
I am trying to create an object where ever the camera is looking so I figured if I can get the center screen points global coordinate Ill be all set...

I tried scene.pick(scene.width/2, scene.height/2); but that returns as if I am trying to hit an object not get a coordinate...

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Sorry but really do not understand the question. Do you want to

(A) set a camera in a fixed direction and then create some object along the line of sight of the camera? If so how far away?

(B) as you sweep around with the camera continually create new objects wherever the camera has looked?

(C) Something else?

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Why not create object and target camera towards mesh position?

Do you want the camera to follow a mesh? If so try a search for follow camera in this forum. Sorry not to be of much help. Perhaps you could explain further what you are actually trying to achieve, ie

what a user would see happening?.










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thank you.  Implementing this now.

implemented line: 452

considering I just started this demo about 4 hours ago im pretty happy... gonna implement customExtrudes now for scale and rotation functions.

and then I gotta add other prefabs, I think Ill grab what i learned from https://github.com/Pryme8/TERIABLE and include perlin and worley noise meshes as well :D!

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