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image loading per devicePixel data question!


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Note that devicePixelRatio can be fractional and the loaded asset base texture does not get it's resolution set. Right now easiest is to post process the cache entries in game.cache._cache.image. There's no callback for this. Check the object's url for the resolution key and set object.base.resolution. Also you need to create the Phaser game with resolution option. This way the higher resolution works pretty much automatically and all game code is written as-if you had only 1x assets and coordinates, even if resolutions would be fractional and you'd mix different resolution textures. 


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On 09.03.2016 at 10:28 PM, fkkcloud said:


If I am loading asset sprite image per devicePixel like 

if (window.devicePixelRatio === 3)
   this.load('assets/[email protected]')
else if (window.devicePixelRatio === 2)
   this.load('assets/[email protected]')

would this cause downloading all 3 image from server or just 1??

This is a bad approach. It is necessary to use one of its asset and scale him

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