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Move along predefined path with Phaser


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Hallo, I need to move and rotate a player by a predefined path. Like: [stepForward, turnLeft, stepForward, turnLeft, stepForward, stepForward, stepForward, ...]

The problem is, the path is dynamic and depends on user input.

I tried to put the coordinates and agles in arrays and  do something like tween.to({x:[...], y:[...], angle:[...], 5000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); But in this case I got problems with rotation.

I don't know how to chain dynamicly or use several .to call.  Any ideas?

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you can use onComplete just move your object with tween to first location and then in onComplete reuse the old tween/create a new tween and send your object to a new location and repeat this until you have no more directions left.

PS: Not sure what problem with rotation means, just rotate it by the angle you have - as far as I guessed what yo uare doing - or what kind of path movement you are building.

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14 hours ago, lukaMis said:

How can path be predefined and dynamic? Mybe write what are you trying to do and post whole code sample.

Sorry, I mean it's predefined before the runtime, but every run different so I can't hardcode it.


13 hours ago, AzraelTycka said:


you can use onComplete just move your object with tween to first location and then in onComplete reuse the old tween/create a new tween and send your object to a new location and repeat this until you have no more directions left.

PS: Not sure what problem with rotation means, just rotate it by the angle you have - as far as I guessed what yo uare doing - or what kind of path movement you are building.

I solved the problem with onComplete. Thx.

The problem with rotation was, I need to rotate only on some points. [noRotation, noRotation, 90, noRotation]. So I dind't know what to put to the points with no rotation needed? null?


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You can just not tween rotation in some tweens or if you must you can save and pass it in tween: 

var _angle = this.mySprite.angle;
this.mySprite.moveTween = this.game.add.tween(this.mySprite).to( { x: some_value, y: some_value, rotation: _angle }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut, true);

or you can save it as property of your sprite and tween it

this.mySprite.myNewAngle = 90;
this.mySprite.moveTween = this.game.add.tween(this.mySprite).to( { x: some_value, y: some_value, rotation: this.mySprite.myNewAngle }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut, true);


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