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GroundFromHeightMap and createInstance() ???


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Thank you !

This perfectly solves the problem !
If I understand right, the height map image must be already loaded in order to create good instances,w hat I don't understand: why do they still display in my wrong version? It seems they disappear "too soon", as if they were considered off-screen in the wrong way... this must be webGL engine getting coordinates for the instanced textures wrong, maybe ???

So now it leads to another question ^_^ : The "CreateGroundFromHeightMap" function asks for an "url" parameter to load the height map image.
My textures were already loaded by my assets manager, so how do I tell the function to get an already existing texture instead of an url ??? it is a bit "newbie question" I guess :/

Thank you !!!

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Not sure to understand what you are trying to achieve here but I can say one thing: same is FAR too large for shadows. You will lose all precision with such a scene.


Regarding your previous question: why do they still display in my wrong version? because they were created when the ground was just a small box and thus they received a wrong bounding box


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So, if I compare our two examples, I understand that shadow emitting meshes should be clones rather instances ! Am I right ? They seem to behave different:
//move the camera up and down to see what happens with shadows:
http://playground.babylonjs.com/#25K1LA#4 // Shadows emitters are instances of a box
http://playground.babylonjs.com/#25K1LA#6 // Shadows emitters are clones of a box

On 2/15/2016 at 9:42 PM, Deltakosh said:

Not sure to understand what you are trying to achieve here but I can say one thing: scene is FAR too large for shadows. You will lose all precision with such a scene.

I'm trying to build a very long corridor where i=the corridor length
Is there an improvement in computing/details if I use a short light range ? Is this the good way to go ?
Should I consider creating multiple ShadowGenerators or is it only: one scene = one shadowmap ?
I will also try to add fog later but that's another story >_<

Thanks for your answers you rule ;-)

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