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Buy Interphase or wait for Interphase 2?


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I'm a computing student and part of my course, I have to build a software for my final year project and I decided to create a web browser multiplayer game. So I decided to use phaserio and wanted to buy a book to learn it. the question is should i buy Interphase? or will interphase 2 be release this month? if its gonna be out this month, then probably its better to just wait? or any opinions? i only have pretty much 2 months to build the project so time does matter. what you guys think? suggestions?

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Interphase 2 won't be released this month, no. More to the point though if you've absolutely no experience with Phaser yet, then Interphase 1 isn't going to help you all that much either. It's not a beginners book really (I mean it's not super-advanced either, but there's no "Getting Started" guide, it assumes you already work with Phaser to a degree). If you've never touched Phaser before and need to get started fast then the book From Null to Dev (from the Phaser site) would be fine for this (and cheaper too), or any of the literally hundreds of tutorials available online.

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