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ArcRotateCamera setPosition behavior different in 2.3


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Any reason why this check for equal position was added in 2.3


This changes the behavior subtly

In 2.2 if I wanted to change the target but keep the same position I would save the current position, change the target and do setPosition() using the saved current position.

This would have resulted in the alpha, beta ,radius being re-calculated based on the new target while keeping the same position.

In 2.3 because of the above check all this is bypassed.



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Hum I did not think about this case.

I updated the code to be more convenient:

        public rebuildAnglesAndRadius() {
            var radiusv3 = this.position.subtract(this._getTargetPosition());
            this.radius = radiusv3.length();

            // Alpha
            this.alpha = Math.acos(radiusv3.x / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusv3.x, 2) + Math.pow(radiusv3.z, 2)));

            if (radiusv3.z < 0) {
                this.alpha = 2 * Math.PI - this.alpha;

            // Beta
            this.beta = Math.acos(radiusv3.y / this.radius);


        public setPosition(position: Vector3): void {
            if (this.position.equals(position)) {

        public setTarget(target: Vector3): void {
            if (this.target.equals(target)) {

Now you can just set the target and this should be enough :)

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maybe setPosition()

        public setPosition(position: Vector3): void {
            if (this.position.equals(position)) {
            this.position = position;

Also if you change setTarget() won't that break other people existing code?

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see attached html.

It uses babylonjs 2.4

it has a simple scene with ground, box and sphere.

The camera targets sphere's position

It has 2 buttons  "save" and "load" - "save" serializes, "load" loads the serialized data.

To test,

  • open the file in browser,
  • click save then
  • click load.

Notice the camera position has changed

Now comment out the following line 


and try again.

behaves as expected the second time.


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Much better now :)

Now that , that problem is fixed , you can see the the original problem.

I modified the PG demo slightly.

It was hard to see the issue in the original demo, because the camera radius was very large.

So I changed the radius from 50 to 5.


You can clearly see the problem now, when you do "save" and then "load"

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