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Using same filter with different uniform values


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That was not exactly what I meant, the question wasn't specific enough. Here's an example based on that custom filter example of what I'd like to do:


var renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(800, 600);

// create the root of the scene graph
var stage = new PIXI.Container();

function CustomFilter(fragmentSource)

        // vertex shader
        // fragment shader
        // set the uniforms
            customUniform : {type : '1f', value : 0}

CustomFilter.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.AbstractFilter.prototype);
CustomFilter.prototype.constructor = CustomFilter;

var sprite1 = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("_assets/bkg-grass.jpg");

var sprite2 = PIXI.Sprite.fromImage("_assets/bkg-grass.jpg");


var filter;

function onLoaded (loader,res) {

    var fragmentSrc = res.shader.data;

    filter = new CustomFilter(fragmentSrc);
    //Use the shader as filter or shader, both are ok for my case.
    sprite1.shader = filter;
    sprite2.shader = filter;

function animate() {

    //This changes uniforms in both of the sprites. I'd like to have separate 
    //uniforms per sprite without creating new filters per each as that 
    //compiles into a lot of shader programs.
    filter.uniforms.customUniform.value += 0.04;

    requestAnimationFrame( animate );


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17 hours ago, Exca said:

I was wondering if it's possible to instantiate one filter and then use that in multiple objects with different uniform values? If it's possible, then what would be the correct way to do it?

I imagine this would be possible but I'm thinking you need to ensure the objects aren't batched, and that you run code just before they are about to be rendered that changes the uniforms... you might have to dig a little bit into Pixi.js to do this.

The catch is that changing uniforms means a WebGL state changes and a separate draw call, meaning that the Pixi sprite batcher will need to draw it's current batch and start a new batch of sprites for the filter & changed uniforms (the later I don't think Pixi.js will necessarily handle for you)... this may or may not be a performance issue for you later depending on how many changes the batcher sees walking the scene graph (this is a guess on my part).

If it works out that you will change the uniforms many many times per frame, you may want to consider other approaches.

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5 hours ago, chg said:

I imagine this would be possible but I'm thinking you need to ensure the objects aren't batched, and that you run code just before they are about to be rendered that changes the uniforms... you might have to dig a little bit into Pixi.js to do this.

Filters are breaking batches, because they are using off-screen buffers.

I think its better to override _renderWebGL method. I use "_" because its really 

mySprite.oldRenderWebGL = mySprite.renderWebGL;
mySprite.renderWebGL = function() {
//that part is copied from container's renderWebGL.
// if the object is not visible or the alpha is 0 then no need to render this element
    if (!this.visible || this.worldAlpha <= 0 || !this.renderable)
//change uniform of filter to my value!
    this.filters[0].uniforms.blablabla.value = this.filterUniformValue;
//call old method. For your knowledge, its PIXI.Container.prototype.renderWebGL

Patch all objects that needs that hack.

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