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Group sorting / ordering?


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This is probably been asked before, but I haven't found any great answers yet.  I need the sprites in my game drawn based on their y position.  It's a top-down RPG, so sprites need to be drawn on the screen from top to bottom to properly overlap/occlude each other.  Are there any provisions for this as part of the Phaser groups?


Currently I am having to re-sort the entire sprite list anytime something moves.  I saw a few fields within Group that hint at the feature I need, but they don't seem to be working.



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Yes we used to support this, it was trivial to do when the render list was an array, but when Pixi.js moved to a doubly linked list internally it made sorting like this significantly more complex and time consuming, and we've not yet found a decent (fast) way to handle it. This is a quite common question on the Pixi forum too, so maybe something will come of it.

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I would imagine that the children need to be stored in a specific order and then an optimal search algorithm to perform the minimum number of iterations (swaps) on the children.  I don't know much about this sort of thing though.

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