onmyown Posted January 24, 2016 Share Posted January 24, 2016 Hello, I have a tiled map with an object layer but am unsure how to add them... I have this JavaScript: var createItems = function(type) { //create items items = game.add.group(); items.enableBody = true; var item; result = findObjectsByType(type, map, 'Object Layer 1'); result.forEach(function(element){ createFromTiledObject(element, items); }); }; //find objects in a Tiled layer that containt a property called "type" equal to a certain value var findObjectsByType = function(type, map, layer) { var result = new Array(); map.objects[layer].forEach(function(element){ if(element.properties.type === type) { console.log("Found a " + type); //Phaser uses top left, Tiled bottom left so we have to adjust //also keep in mind that the cup images are a bit smaller than the tile which is 16x16 //so they might not be placed in the exact position as in Tiled element.y -= map.tileHeight; result.push(element); } }); return result; }; //create a sprite from an object var createFromTiledObject = function(element, group) { var sprite = group.create(element.x, element.y, element.properties.sprite); //copy all properties to the sprite Object.keys(element.properties).forEach(function(key){ sprite[key] = element.properties[key]; }); } createItems("coin"); But it doesn't fire on account of getting neither no console log nor coins being rendered. Please help! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
megmut Posted January 25, 2016 Share Posted January 25, 2016 map = game.add.tilemap('map'); map.addTilesetImage('ground_1x1'); map.addTilesetImage('walls_1x2'); map.addTilesetImage('tiles2'); map.setCollisionBetween(1, 12); layer = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1'); layer.resizeWorld(); game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Here we create our coins group coins = game.add.group(); coins.enableBody = true; // And now we convert all of the Tiled objects with an ID of 34 into sprites within the coins group map.createFromObjects('Object Layer 1', 34, 'coin', 0, true, false, coins); // Add animations to all of the coin sprites coins.callAll('animations.add', 'animations', 'spin', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 10, true); coins.callAll('animations.play', 'animations', 'spin'); You don't need to write custom code to create the objects from within an object layer, phaser takes care of this. Please see the example here: http://phaser.io/examples/v2/tilemaps/create-from-objects Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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