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Parsing with getTile


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Hello! I'm new to Phaser - I'm used to Flixel, so during this transition I'm alternating between having a really easy time with it and a baffling time with it. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to parse sprites (ie: sweep a CSV and add an enemy/item anywhere that the value isn't 0). In Flixel, I was able to use the getTile(tx,ty) function to do this, but in Phaser, this function returns a tile instead of an integer. This is the parsing loop, more or less taken from my old Flixel code, that I have set up now:

itemsMap = game.add.tilemap(0,0,'itemsMap',true,16,16);items = game.add.group();for (var ty = 0; ty < 70; ty++)	for (var tx = 0; tx < 13; tx++)	{		if (itemsMap.getTile(tx, ty) != 0)			items.add(new Item(game, tx*16, ty*16, itemsMap.getTile(tx, ty)));	}

It will place the sprite in the right place, but it will be the wrong sprite - that 4th parameter in the Item constructor determines which sprite it is, and works correctly if I hard-code a number in there. Can someone please help me out here?

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The Tile object has an index property, this relates to the ID in the tilesheet that this Tile represents, so you could check that to place a sprite down. Also rather than loop through the map using getTile(x,y) you could use copy(). This will return an array of tile data matching the region given.

Tilemap.copy: function (x, y, width, height, layer)

Note in the above the values are in tiles, not pixels.

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  • 8 months later...

Each Tile has an index, which represent the tiletype of map data.
So why not going to:

Tilemap.getTile(x, y, true).index //nonNull = true will create a TIle object with index -1, if no tile was found on x,y

If you want to create enemies, npc, stuff etc from Tilemap data, have look at Tilemap.createFromObjects

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