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Basic spritesheet help needed


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Very new to programming and Phaser so be kind!


I've just downloaded Phaser and have been playing around with spritesheets. I managed to get my first sprite animated using the master phaser example tutorials (http://phaser.io/examples/v2/sprites/spritesheet#download).


I then tried adding a second spritesheet in a different location but it doesn't seem to play the animation (original spritesheet still loads and plays though)?


I've read somewhere that using a tilemap when using multiple spritesheets is advised.


Any help would be hugely appreciated! Cheers!


Here's the code:

function preload() {
    game.load.spritesheet('ms1', 'assets/sprites/bee-2-sprite.png', 72, 60, 2);
    game.load.spritesheet('ms2', 'assets/sprites/bee-3-sprite.png', 58, 52, 2);    
function create() {
    sprite = game.add.sprite(50, 100, 'ms1');
    sprite = game.add.sprite(150, 100, 'ms2');
    sprite.animations.play('walk', 10, true);
    var fly = ms1.animations.add('fly');
    ms1.animations.play('fly', 10, true);
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function preload() {

game.load.spritesheet('ms1', 'assets/sprites/bee-2-sprite.png', 72, 60, 2);

game.load.spritesheet('ms2', 'assets/sprites/bee-3-sprite.png', 58, 52, 2);


function create() {

// we need to assign our sprites to variables - we'll use ms1 and ms2

var ms1 = game.add.sprite(50, 100, 'ms1');

var ms2 = game.add.sprite(150, 100, 'ms2');

// add our walk animation to ms1 and play it


ms1.animations.play('walk', 10, true);

// add our fly animation to ms2 and play it


ms2.animations.play('fly', 10, true);


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