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how to release resource of one time particle system


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Thanks, and hello again, DC!  The important question is... did YOU get the info you needed?  I hope so.

It would be handy if our particle systems were able to generate an "allParticlesDead" event or callback.  Unfortunately, it does not look possible/wise.

So, I guess, the delayed-start particles.length-checker...  is a viable option.


(Lines 68-75).  I put the timer on the particle system itself.  I tried to change all 'ps1' to 'this' in that function, but I failed.  I was trying to get a particleSystem for you... that was self-contained.  Your game... because of its rapid-fire feature (which I love)... needs to allow many particle explosions happening at the same time.  This is why re-using the same particle system without disposing... won't work for you.  You already know that.  :)


The time-based particle explosion WOULD work, maybe.


Not a bad momentary explosion, thanks to line 46 - ps1.targetStopDuration = .25;  The particles seem to have proper time to die of old age... before the particleSystem is disposed.  It looks pretty good...  no extra timer needed.  I like it.

I turned OFF manualEmitCount and set an emitRate in lines 43-44.  I still have disposeOnStop in line 67. 

You can ignore/remove lines 72-74.  They are only for checking if scene.particleSystems finished empty after the previous RUN.  It properly ends empty, yay!

Maybe, using targetStopDuration will work better than manualEmitCount for your game.  *shrug*  It is worth testing, I think. 

Fun experiments!  Good luck... keep us updated on your games and experiments, DC! 

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