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Tron like grid for units


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I would like to have Tron like grid for units, I have extracted the code for this to a class:

import Common from "./Common";/** * * The ground (actually a grid in space) that the game sits upon */export default class Ground {  mesh:BABYLON.Mesh;  click:(e:MouseEvent)=>void;  defaultMaterial:BABYLON.StandardMaterial;  constructor(scene) {    //Creation of a material with wireFrame    this.defaultMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("wireframe", scene);    this.defaultMaterial.wireframe = true;    this.mesh = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGround("ground1", Common.MEDIUM_SIZE_MAP, Common.MEDIUM_SIZE_MAP, 10, scene);    this.defaultMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("wireframe", scene);    this.defaultMaterial.wireframe = true;    this.mesh.material = this.defaultMaterial;  }}

What is the best way to take this forward? Do I need to use a Tiled ground?


Currently when panning with this it seems a bit jerky to me. I'm on 2015 mac pro (no GTX card)

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Hi Nikos,


the main question is - what are you trying to achieve? What you currently use is wireframe. But I guess you are trying to create a tiled ground without the triangles in the middle.

There is already a simple tron-like game on babylon.js's main website - http://tronbabylon.azurewebsites.net/ , you might be able to extract some ideas from there. Play around with it and see if it helps you.

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Hi Nikos,


the main question is - what are you trying to achieve? What you currently use is wireframe. But I guess you are trying to create a tiled ground without the triangles in the middle.

There is already a simple tron-like game on babylon.js's main website - http://tronbabylon.azurewebsites.net/ , you might be able to extract some ideas from there. Play around with it and see if it helps you.


Is there any source code for it?

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Is there any source code for it?

Well, this is javascript we are talking about. Ctrl-U would probably be a good start. 

Just a small note - having the source as JavaScript doesn't mean you can copy the code. You can learn from it, but as this is not an open source project with an open source license, you can't use the source code directly. Please take that into account when looking at the code.

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