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shader noise effect


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@adam is that i zoom ? try it with other zoom i think this work


i use mac and my retina display is X2  so use a 200%  zoom please:)  i try fix it :)



   i work create new tools i add all in to that. not like material library like shader library  but if u need now i can do it for u?

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I see the same as Adam, the screenshot actually shows the scene at it's best (ie. whatever is peeking over the right hand side is most visible - otherwise it's very slightly less visible and noisier) dragging with the mouse or scrolling the mouse wheel seems to do very little to the scene, with the only other possible exception moving (and scaling) a small blue circle/octagon into the view and around the screen.


I notice your TIFF image resolution is 1980x1322 , perhaps your scene doesn't scale well to resolutions like 1366x768? (also why use tiff on the web?)

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i need make good document for that first  and share it next 




i know it has different  structer (vs babylonjs structer)  that explain  why i build it in other js (eash.js)

i cant understand your replay  "Can't agree more!" and  i want know if i have in wrong way .


and i apologize about my English writing it has very wrong word and wrong grammar but i try to fix it :)

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