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typescript compiler in webstorm...


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i use typesciprt plugin in my webstorm.



1. and when the .ts file compiled autoly,  it creates a .js.map file. what's mean of it?


2. and i see the class name in .ts is Vector3,  and in .js it's BABYLON.Vector3. 

i dont know how to set, i found it's Vector3 in my .js file compiled.

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1. This is source map file. It maps JS file lines to TS lines, so that you can debug TS directly in the browser or IDE. See more details here: http://www.aaron-powell.com/posts/2012-10-03-typescript-source-maps.html. If you don't need that, it is safe to ignore the files or disable their generation. 

thanks, i choose delete the argument '-sourcemap'...


2. i can use gulp to compile all ts. But how can i compile only one ts file when i make mofidy?

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2. i can use gulp to compile all ts. But how can i compile only one ts file when i make mofidy?

Webstorm comes with Typescript file watch/transpiler:
Every time you change a file, it will be automatically transpiled. 
However, you are probably using typescript "-out" (or equivalent gulp/grunt task) to combine everything to one javascript file. In this case you are out of luck, and can really do one of two things:
1. (this is what I do for now) Just disable file watch, and compile everything with gulp/grunt, even if you change a single file. Typescript compiler is relatively fast, it compiles in <2 seconds for me.
2. Generate separate javascript files with webstorm (and gulp for consistency). Then build your final game or load individual JS files with some external package manager (https://webpack.github.io/), which you can also invoke with gulp. I have not tried this path, but want to do that one day. 
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i think i didn't say clearly....

i add file watching and it's automatically compiled... i mean gulp compile all ts files is right, but webstorm auto compile one ts file is wrong... Can't find Vector3, Color3 or so on...



i use your first method now... for me, it's > 4 seconds...

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