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Phaser with intel xdk sound problem


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I think I have experienced the same problem. if you are using Crosswalk, dont use version 8-10, it has some problems. try to change crosswalk version.



I think I have experienced the same problem. if you are using Crosswalk, dont use version 8-10, it has some problems. try to change crosswalk version.


I dont use crosswalk It build apk with large size. I have used here cordova 

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The emulator in IntelXDK doesn't play mp3s. If it doesn't properly inform what is capable of playing, phaser will just pick the first option. This happens with Opera to. Just put the ogg files first in the array. Going from 44100 to 8000 will noticeable degrade sound quality.

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When i create an app for android with intelXDK, the sounds with phaser (2.4.4) don´t works.


i have solved the problem using the Cordova Native Audio with the latest cordova cli version (5.1.1) in the intelXDK 2727) but only works for android 4 or above

  • Warning: CLI 5.1.1 requires a minimum Android API level of 14. Your project was set to an Android API level of '10' which is not supported by this version of Cordova. NOTE: The minimum Android API has been set to '14'. This means your application can only be installed on Android 4.0 and higher devices! If you need to build a version of your application that can be installed on earlier devices, use a previous version of the CLI.

Other thing i have realize is that this plugin is not able to play sounds as fast as Phaser :(, for example, for shotting sounds.


Try this website to test:




my app use agular as well.


sorry for my english, soy español :), viva la Tortilla de patatas :)

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When i create an app for android with intelXDK, the sounds with phaser (2.4.4) don´t works.


i have solved the problem using the Cordova Native Audio with the latest cordova cli version (5.1.1) in the intelXDK 2727) but only works for android 4 or above

  • Warning: CLI 5.1.1 requires a minimum Android API level of 14. Your project was set to an Android API level of '10' which is not supported by this version of Cordova. NOTE: The minimum Android API has been set to '14'. This means your application can only be installed on Android 4.0 and higher devices! If you need to build a version of your application that can be installed on earlier devices, use a previous version of the CLI.

Other thing i have realize is that this plugin is not able to play sounds as fast as Phaser :(, for example, for shotting sounds.


Try this website to test:




my app use agular as well.


sorry for my english, soy español :), viva la Tortilla de patatas :)


Thanks for your reply, Livin' La Vida Loca :) 

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