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I want to create a dynamic interfaces for items in an inventory.


I need the items to be button to view that item. And want that button to calla  function with the item id as an argument.


inventory[index].button = game.add.button(inventory[index].x - (1030/2), inventory[index].y, 'equipmentButton', this.EquipItem, this);




EquipItem: function(index) {



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Hi, and welcome to Phaser wold :)


To make it more clear:

  • I will assume that you create your buttons in loop, "for" loop - for example..
  • your problem is how to provide "index" value in function event callback "EquipItem"
  • inventory array/object with "index" as a key is already an existing object
  • "EquipItem" is function part of "this" object and buttons are created in function also part of "this" object


Here you are, a three possible solutions:


1. Using Phaser "onInputDown" Signal event https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/blob/v2.4.4/src/gameobjects/Button.js#L158

inventory[index].button = game.add.button(inventory[index].x - (1030/2), inventory[index].y, 'equipmentButton');inventory[index].button.onInputDown.add(this.EquipItem, this, 0 /* priority */, index);// But you will need to adjust your function like thisEquipItem: function (btnObj /* reference to button */, ev /* event object */, index /* your index provided value */) {    console.log("index: ", index);},

2. Using "bind" https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_objects/Function/bind

inventory[index].button = game.add.button(inventory[index].x - (1030/2), inventory[index].y, 'equipmentButton', this.EquipItem.bind(this, index), this);

3. You can use closure

inventory[index].button = game.add.button(inventory[index].x - (1030/2), inventory[index].y, 'equipmentButton', (function (_this, index) {    return function () {        _this.EquipItem.call(_this, index);    }})(this, k));

Hope this will help you!

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