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Chrome animation bug & pixel-perfect input bug


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I'm using the latest version of Phaser, and experiencing several bugs that are disrupting my development.  Here is a brief description of what im actually trying to do:


I have a character composed of multiple 'layers' (body, clothing, weapons, hair, etc).  Each of his layers are on a separate texture atlas, and im loading all of them as sprites and adding them to a group.  So the character is composed of multiple sprites on a single group.



1.  In Chrome, when using a texture atlas with an animation, the frames seem to be playing out of order.  It works perfect in Firefox and IE.  I have tried setting the game canvas to AUTO, CANVAS, and WEBGL, but the result is the same.  Therefore, it must be Chrome specific.  Are there any other settings which could cause strange behaviors with animations in Chrome?


2.  Pixel-perfect mouse input does not seem to be working when my sprites are inside a group.  Currently I am using groups to layer together multiple sprites.


3.  Using anchors with sprites that are part of a texture atlas does not seem to be working properly.  They are positioned incorrectly.  Ideally, I would also like to be able to set an anchor to a group's position.  At the moment I am emulating an anchor by setting the group's position relative to the 'main sprite' that is in the group.

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I really need to see some code / test cases for these. And for the animations one the animation assets being used. There's nothing Chrome does any differently imho, unless FF/IE are old enough to not support raf?


I'm pretty sure I know what the input/Groups issue is though, it's part of the same reason Bodies can fall out of alignment which is what I'm looking at right now in fact.


Anchors aren't used to lock to a pixel coordinate, so I'm curious to see how you're using them / expecting them to work.

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