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Skybox - edge show


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Hi there again 


Is there chance to upgrade skybox to not show edge where is connection of textures




maybe just put all planes inside but keep size that mean overlap them outside about 1px shouldn't change view but maybe this edge will be not visible 


more and less like here from outside so inside have great bond:




please let me know what do you think ?!


Thank you.

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Hi there


on http://www.rockonfla...cameraControls/   , as well I do not see any edge  where on babylon.js I see so it can not be my graphic card as I accept before.


it must be something as three.js do that correct , maybe 0.1 pixel overlap , just idea ?


hope it can be easy way to fix that 'problem' 


thank you for all work with babylonJS - it is great JS engine - in my personal opinion the BEST.

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I'm not a shader developer, but I did as a friend about what might cause seams and he asked if we're using GL_CLAMP with the Skybox mode?  He indicated that this would probably be the issue


I apologize for being the go-between, but thought it would help to at least ask if Babylon clamps the images for skybox textures


Thanks for all your help,



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