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Open world hobby project


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Hello. I am here because I want some thoughts or feedback on a hobby project of mine.


I have had the idea for the project for many years, but the actual end goal and what technologies to use to realize it, has changed over time. I have not really felt it was possible to carry out the idea until now.


The project is my hobby project, and I don't want it to become a commercial money driven project. I refer to it as "by developers, for players and developers". I want to try to work towards realizing the idea, whatever size or speed. So if I am the only one interested, I can continue to have this as my little hobby project. If any developers like the idea and want to be a part of my hobby project, that's awsome!


The project


The basic idea is fairly simple. Create a persistent, super-flexible open world using web technologies. The concepts by themselves is not new, however I think there is very few projects out there doing something like this, at least this way. Since I am hoping this might become a hobby project for more people than me, I have tried to build the whole thing as an open source project, at least something close to it.


If you want to read more about the project, please visit nothing.rocks where you will find more details.


For now, I am mostly curious about what people (developers knowing web technology and its potential) think about the project.


About me, I am a 35 year old web developer, have been interested in web development since last millennium, and have worked full time as web developer now for 10 years.

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Hello. I am here because I want some thoughts or feedback on a hobby project of mine.
I have had the idea for the project for many years, but the actual end goal and what technologies to use to realize it, has changed over time. I have not really felt it was possible to carry out the idea until now.
The project is my hobby project, and I don't want it to become a commercial money driven project. I refer to it as "by developers, for players and developers". I want to try to work towards realizing the idea, whatever size or speed. So if I am the only one interested, I can continue to have this as my little hobby project. If any developers like the idea and want to be a part of my hobby project, that's awsome!
The project
The basic idea is fairly simple. Create a persistent, super-flexible open world using web technologies. The concepts by themselves is not new, however I think there is very few projects out there doing something like this, at least this way. Since I am hoping this might become a hobby project for more people than me, I have tried to build the whole thing as an open source project, at least something close to it.
If you want to read more about the project, please visit nothing.rocks where you will find more details.
For now, I am mostly curious about what people (developers knowing web technology and its potential) think about the project.
About me, I am a 35 year old web developer, have been interested in web development since last millennium, and have worked full time as web developer now for 10 years.


First off have to say I love the Seinfeld reference. This seems like a really cool and interesting project, would be something I would love to participate in. I am very new to game developement though and  programming in general so I dont know if I would have the skills necessary to be a part of it. Would like to help in any way I could though, so feel free to let me know if that would work. If not, I hope it continues to grow and becomes exactly what you want it to.

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Thanks for the response!


What I like the most about this project, is the development itself. Creating logic to cover real life actions and creating an architecture to be able to cover small and large scenarios by standardizing the way things work. Of course, when there will be some actual interfaces with gameplay up and running, there will be even more fun to work on the project. But until then, I like to scale everything for the long run, and hope other developers will see the fun in this project the same way I do.

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Are you basically creating an endless world that has that 'mmo' feel to it? That expands and goes on forever aslong as the player is stretching the world's boundaries?


Seems pretty cool to be honest. Are you going to be using node?


If so, I recommend using Redis and cluster that bad boy up behind a nginx or haproxy server :)


Can scale to the millions if you do this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you basically creating an endless world that has that 'mmo' feel to it? That expands and goes on forever aslong as the player is stretching the world's boundaries?


Seems pretty cool to be honest. Are you going to be using node?


If so, I recommend using Redis and cluster that bad boy up behind a nginx or haproxy server :)


Can scale to the millions if you do this.


Something like that. But nothing like mmo's made by large companies. This project is about making loosely coupled building blocks for a game world, and then the future will show what that will provide for the players when all the building blocks is used to make some awsome interfaces.


The backend is running on Node. I guess the infrastructure would need to be extended over time, but the first goal is to get the basic structure in place and focusing most on the game world logic.


Good luck with your project. You've sparked my interest.


I'd like to help, but am not sure where to start.


I welcome help in any extend. I want people to contribute in a scale based on their capability and interest. Some people might want to contribute with a few suggestions, some graphic elements or a few small bugfixes, while mabye other people might want to be a larger part of the project, planning, development and bring the project forward.


I can say a little bit about the current status of the project. Lately I've been working on the info pages (at http://nothing.rocks/), but mostly on packaging the modules of the project (found on the github organization). In line with the project goals, I have tried to make the reusable modules loosely coupled to make them easily implementable. Most of the basics is in place, and one of the most important tasks ahead is to start implement a wider range of logic for the game entities, so there is actually possible to do things with the code. Like implementing different types of objects, environments and actions.


To be able to test them without having to develop a complex interface, I have started on a very basic kind of interface that is not meant for entertaining gameplay, but rather for testing out the constructs of the game world. A very simple clickable SVG with the player position in center. So the goal is to use it for click interaction with the game world and perform actions on items around the player entity (the character). And some time in the future, I am hoping the logic (entities and actions) can be used in a more complex interface that can be used for actual gameplay.


If there is any developers with WebGL or other graphical development experience in the project at that time, maybe they want to develop an interface. If not, I have thought about experimenting a bit with three.js to make an interface myself, like a 2.5D point and click interface. Or maybe both.


The project modules isn't extensively documented yet (mostly because of the early stage of development), but a lot of the structure should be understandable by looking around the codebases when knowing the basic ideas presented at the project website. I will also work on extending the unit tests to make sure the code is running smoothly. I love working on this project, and hope someone else might see how fun it is to develop in a project like this.


Feel free to contact me in this forum or by e-mail with any questions (see contact details at the project website).


Another thing I've been thinking about.. When I feel there is enough basic structure and logic in place, I am hoping soon to contact more developers, both to join in on developing the logic further, but also for interface development. Any ideas where or how to find developers interested in game development and web development?

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