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Tiled - 'Tile Render Order' not supported?


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I made some headway in working out how to do overlapped tiles in Phaser for 2.5D-type maps.  There are a few issues though due to the way things are calculated. One of which is the need for tile rendering order.. this is a map option in Tiled. I'm not sure it's available in Phaser currently


you can see the difference between the two...


Phaser does the "Right Down" method (top image).. I need "Right Up" (or "Left Up")


any ideas?









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But there's only 1 layer there :) (excluding shadows and gems). you should consider the map as just the front (shaded) side of the blocks.

Aside from a slight positioning bug and debug rendering bug, the collision physics works as expected

Rich mentioned it's likely be possible extending TileMapLayer and overriding the render function. Possibly just renderRegion internal function , but I'm not sure


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