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Phaser Example Modifications


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I recently modified the Breakout clone. Aside from everything being a little bigger and closer together, the only modification I made was to make the blocks drop after they'd been hit. That's where the game freezes.


The Invaders clone crashes when an enemy's bullet hits the player. The issue has something to do with the player's explosion, but I'm not sure what it is. :(


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Hey, this is neat. Have you considered uploading these examples either on the Phaser Sandbox or jsFiddle? Being able to play it in the browser would definitely allow people to take a look much more easily!


That was a great idea! :-D I uploaded the Breakout clone, but I'm not entirely sure I did it right. How does the Sandbox handle external images? and other functions? Do you have any ideas? http://phaser.io/sandbox/UozLvgWh


EDIT: OK, I fixed something... LOL! :D I was getting a blank black canvas when I posted this reply. It took starting a template with images to make me realize that I'd forgotten the game's variables. :D Oops! LOL! Now I am getting green squares with diagonal lines drawn through them. I guess I'd better find another site other than Dropbox to store them. :) Anybody have any suggestions?

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