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Little questions for every developpers here (not about BJS engine)


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Hi everybody,


I've got a friend who's in the process of making a kind of social study about the evolution of computer science (or something like that :)), he needs some data from actual developpers (all ages wanted, that would be better).

It would be great if some of you could answer these simple general questions, it takes only two minutes (I will transfer him anonymous data, of course) :


1- How old were you when you first used the Internet ?

2- How old were you when you started coding ? (you can be more precise, for instance started at 10 years old with simple BASIC programs, and really started as an actual dev in high school at 18)

3- Is coding your actual job or a hobby ?

4- What are your favorite programming languages (you can mention many) ?

5- Do you try to always be at the edge of the technologies your using ?

6- If Yes to previous question : do you find it difficult to follow and adapt to technologies and languages evolutions ?

7- How old are you (not exact age required, which decade 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, more) ?



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1 - 27 years (1997) for Internet, but many intra-networks before

2 - 11 years old (BASIC on ZX81), then many afternoons on Amstrad CPC, Atari 600XL, Atari 520 ST, then 18 years old : univ, engineer school, then work

3 - both, but doing both only at work :-)

4 - javascript, ruby, php, html/css, ada (long ago) as favorite, but use or used : sql, bash, korn and bourne shell,  python, java, c, c#, powershell, vbscript, vb, smalltalk, cobol, jcl, pascal, prolog

5 - I try

6 - not difficult but time consuming

7 - 40-50

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1- How old were you when you first used the Internet?

Not sure, 13 maybe


2- How old were you when you started coding?

If this includes simple HTML experiments and making a private webpage: about 16


3- Is coding your actual job or a hobby?



4- What are your favorite programming languages (you can mention many)?

JavaScript, PHP


5- Do you try to always be at the edge of the technologies your using?

Kind of, yeah.


6- If Yes to previous question : do you find it difficult to follow and adapt to technologies and languages evolutions?

Yes, so many technologies and tool. Feels like you could be learning 24 hours a day and still can't catch up.


7- How old are you (not exact age required, which decade 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, more)?

Turning 32 this Saturday ;)

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1- 1984 for what would be called an intra-net, age 24.  Xerox Corp ethernet, not IP or Token ring based, something called XNS as I remember.  First public net use beyond mail gateways, 1994.

2- 1965, keypunched my name on a computer card & stuck head in doorway of data center computer room, age 5.  Really started in High school computer math class, 1975, Basic.

3- Job

4- APL, Java

5- As required

6- Difficulty not relevant, only success or failure

7- more

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Since it's funny I also put my data, even if I already know them  :P  :


1- 1997 (mostly to provide lyrics and credits data from my vinyl records collection of "génériques de dessins animés" to the World Wide Web :D)

2- Started at 8 on TO7 with LOGO in classroom, then two or three years later by my own with Basic on the marvelous Exelvision EXL 100 (cordless keyboard, digitized voices...), then more seriously in highschool at 18.

3- Job

4- JavaScript, Java (but it's been ages since I used it last time...), C#

5- Yes

6- Difficult because there are more new stuffs everyday than hours to catch them all...

7- 36

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1 - 1997

2 - 1968  DEUCE two day course prior to University, Algol at University, 1979 BASIC to teach Computer Science, 1989 Pascal, Lisp, Cobol on 1 year course, 2002 Javascript

3 - hobby

4 - Javascript, have had a little play with php and python but only use Javascript regularly

5 - Not really - Only when needed to complete a project I am playing around with, ie 3D project found BABYLONJS

6 - manage to learn the bits I need albeit slowly

7 - more

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1 - I think around 1997-1998, therefore around 15.

2 - Earliest memory I recall is elder brother teaching BASIC at Commodore 64, so probably around 9-10.

3 - More like job, (I waste time with other stuff nowadays)

4 - Classic Visual Basic is my favorite, not because best one around but because most RAD oriented it was. Other than that PHP and Javascript and C#

5 - Not unless necessary

6 - Having difficulty of focusing when learning new things, easily procrastinating.

7 - 33

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1- I'm gonna say around 12, probably the original unreal tournament online :P

2- Around 14-15 started to get interested, did basic computing and learning VB at around 16 at school, started my first dev job at 17, not really coding just html/css and basic JS

3- Job + some on the side as a hobby

4- Well since I'm more a front end dev and not that advanced either, I guess JS, I have dabbled in Java which I enjoy too but not proficient enough.

5- I try, but struggle since I don't have many people to look to for advice(that was until I found this community), nor do I get to apply the knowledge in my job.

6- Yes I tend to find it difficult as I often learn basics of a new language/framework but unless I find a project to use it in then I find it hard to further progress.

7- 22

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  • 5 weeks later...

1- How old were you when you first used the Internet ?

    - Maybe 93-94 

2- How old were you when you started coding ? (you can be more precise, for instance started at 10 years old with simple BASIC programs, and really started as an actual dev in high school at 18)

    - At 8 with a commodore 16 (yes 16, not 64 ;) ) , at 21 when i started to code demos with opengl.

3- Is coding your actual job or a hobby ?

   - Both, and proud to own my company :)

4- What are your favorite programming languages (you can mention many) ?

    - C/C++, php, javascript, C#, SQL, PLSQL and more :)

5- Do you try to always be at the edge of the technologies your using ?

   - I dont have to try, i must be ! :)

6- If Yes to previous question : do you find it difficult to follow and adapt to technologies and languages evolutions ?

    - This really depend on the community around the tech you are trying to learn.

7- How old are you (not exact age required, which decade 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, more) ?

   - 38 and my 8 old years son is going on my way ;)

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1. 14. , in '94, but used BBS -es before. (is that counts as Internet?)

2. About 9, with a ZX spectrum. But tried coding with C64 at friends house too.

3. Both, hobby and job (web developer at my printing company)

4. PHP, javascript. Tried many other, but I use theese langs for web development now.

5. Yes, I try to follow the "bleeding edge".

6. No, I find it fun (to try new things)
7. 35 in a few days... :-O
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1- How old were you when you first used the Internet ?

About 10


2- How old were you when you started coding ?

Started at 10 with Visual Basic, then at High School, age 17, with C and Java


3- Is coding your actual job or a hobby ?

Trying to make it become my job, but just a hobby for now ^^


4- What are your favorite programming languages (you can mention many) ?

C++, python


5- Do you try to always be at the edge of the technologies your using ?



6- If Yes to previous question : do you find it difficult to follow and adapt to technologies and languages evolutions ?

Yes, it's hard to change coding habits for me and I do not have so much spare time..


7- How old are you (not exact age required, which decade 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, more) ?


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