Kesshi Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Hi,currently i try to decide if i use Babylon.js or Three.js for my next big project.I would like to use babylon because it has some nice features and it is written in TypeScript.The problem is that babylon.js seems to be much slower compared to three.js.I made a test with a big obj file (about 6 mb + 6 textures) containing several meshes.After loading the file i created 64 clones.Here are the results (tested in chrome 64 bit):Three.js (r71):obj loading = 10.6 secondscreating the clones = 0.5 secondsrendering performance = 11 FPSBabylon.js (v2.2):obj loading = 44.5 secondscreating the clones = 45.6 secondsrendering performance = 0 FPS (< 0.5 FPS)As you can see babylon.js is much much slower.I think i could solve the issue with the slow obj loading if i just use the obj loader from three.js and modify it for babylon.But what about the slow Mesh.clone() operation and the FPS?Why is cloning that slow?Here is part of my code. Is something wrong?BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh(null, "/content/", "furniture.obj", scene, function (meshes) { for (var i = 0; i < meshes.length; ++i) { meshes[i].rotation.x = -Math.PI * 0.5; } createScene();});function createScene(pMeshes) { var tNow = (new Date()).getTime(); var tMax: number = 8; var x: number; var y: number; for (x = 0; x < tMax; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < tMax; ++y) { for (var i = 0; i < pMeshes.length; ++i) { var tMesh: BABYLON.Mesh = pMeshes[i]; var tIndex = x * tMax + y; var tClone; if (tIndex > 0) tClone = tMesh.clone("mesh_clone_" + tIndex); else tClone = tMesh; tClone.position.x = -tMax * 0.5 + (x * 3); tClone.position.z = -tMax * 0.5 + (y * 2); } } }} Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Would be great to know how complex the object is. The OBJ Loader is rather new to all of us, I guess there are improvements to be made :-) I also believe that ThreeJS's clone is actually the Instance method of Babylon - The geometry is being reused and not duplicated. Try using instances - and see if it helps you. That's also the reason for the lower performance - the mesh's geometry was duplicated many times (8, to be exact). A small thing about your code - createScene();The function requires the meshes array (pMeshes). Is it really working the way you wrote? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kesshi Posted October 20, 2015 Author Share Posted October 20, 2015 Here is the link to the obj: I just tried the instances.I replaced the line:tClone = tMesh.clone("mesh_clone_" + tIndex);with this line:tClone = tMesh.createInstance("mesh_clone_" + tIndex); The FPS increases to 19 FPS but the time to create the instances is the same (still over 40 seconds )And i think i can't use instance because it looks like all instances share the same parent. Later in the project this is not possible orvery complicated.How can i create a clone/instance/reference of a mesh as fast as possible without duplicating the whole geometry? A small thing about your code - createScene();The function requires the meshes array (pMeshes). Is it really working the way you wrote? That was just a mistake while simplifying the code in order to post it here. In my real code its correct. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Instances are your friends in that case - they share the same geometry (I am not sure what you mean by parent), but their world matrix can be different. I find the 40 seconds to be way to much (Haven't looked at the object yet). I wonder what the cause is. I'll try finding the time to look into that. At least the FPS was increased! :-)What version of Babylon are you using? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kesshi Posted October 20, 2015 Author Share Posted October 20, 2015 I use version 2.2I just profiled it a bit in chrome. One of the problems with the slow clone() and createInstance() seems to be a call to BABYLON.Tools.ExtractMinAndMax(). It is called from refreshBoundingInfo(). It seems that the BoundingBox is recalculated for every clone/instance. Why? It should be ok to just copy the boundingbox info in this case. Regarding the use of Instances. The problem is that they only have a world matrix. My Objects have a hierarchy/graph with local transformations. It would be very complicated to keep the world matrix of the instances in sync with the local matrix inside the hierarchy. Thats why i said i need to give every clone/instance a different parent. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 You are right, this should be calculated only once. Let's see how this can be done a bit better. The bounding box must be calculated for each mesh after it was created, this is why this function is being called. But maybe it can be optimized. About the parents problem - create a parent right after loading all of the meshes. This way they all keep their local transformations, and you can transform the parent object. Clone or create an sinatnce of this parent, and the rest will be done automatically for you. Theoretically :-) If this doesn't work, let us know. I would also reduce the amount of vertices all of your objects have (just a recommendation). The debug layer states there are ca. 6 million active vertices. Maybe run simplification before loading the object? And just a small correction for something I said earlier - the geometry is being reused in clones as well. The other properties are being copied (and not shared between meshes). In your case it would be wise to use instance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 I really do believe this is the line that is slowing everything down - , but I think it is only used with clones and not with instances... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kesshi Posted October 20, 2015 Author Share Posted October 20, 2015 One more issue. The memory consumption (memory usage of chrome process).Same test as described above.Three.js: 410 MB Babylon (instances): 990 MBBabylon (clone): 1230 MB After all these tests i decided to use Three.js for my project. It seems to have less problems with complex objects.Maybe i can use BabylonJs for some other project in the future but at the moment it doesn't seem to be ready for my use case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Hi We are not insulted :-) (I do hope so at least). Each Framework has its ups an downs, we do try to fix bugs and make things better (without trying to constantly compare to Three.js, which is a wonderful framework).The higher memory consuption is probably due to the way Babylon stores the vertices, materials etc'. Can be a bit redundant, but is quicker to render. Again, ups and downs for each way. If there is anything we can help with, please let us know. I will anyhow try and find optimization possibilities for the entire process, as 40 Seconds is truly way too much to load and clone the object. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dad72 Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Also try a file '.babylon' instead of a '.obj', maybe it obj loader needs to be improved.Can see the differences. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 That's a really interesting topic.I'm sad babylon.js was not able to address your use case but I'll make it personal to fix any perf issues we may have with cloning @Temechon: do you mind checking why obj importer is slower than expected? @Raanan: are you checking the clone and memory usage issues? I can do it else. Please let me know Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
davrous Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 And what if you're converting the .obj meshes to our .babylon format using the Blender exporter or another one? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Ok so I fixed a performance issue with clone and createInstance Using your .obj I can go through all the cloning process in 0.7s on my computer (X1 Carbon) down from 24s We are also working on improving the .obj loader On the clone front: I wanted to mention that clone is a COMPLETE clone, meaning that we go through all properties to effectively clone them one by one Vousk-prod., eps, iiceman and 2 others 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Memory wise, with exactly the same object as you and the same code: 448MB So I'm not able to reproduce your issue regarding memory footprint. Can you share your complete project? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Temechon and I will see how we can optimize the obj loader. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Thanks guys! Let me know if you find the memory issue that Kesshi mentioned Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adam Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 This is one reason why I love BabylonJS. You can't beat this forum. Temechon, Vousk-prod. and jerome 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jessepmason Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 This is one reason why I love BabylonJS. You can't beat this forum.I agree! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 I would love to be able to convince Kesshi to give babylon.js a second try He was really unlucky to it these issues Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kesshi Posted October 20, 2015 Author Share Posted October 20, 2015 @Dektakosh: That was a very fast fix.I will try babylon again tomorrow, when i'm at work. Maybe i will change my mind :-) Regarding the obj loading. Some days ago i was looking at the obj loader code a bit. If i remember correctly, one reason for the long load times seems to be this function: is called for each loaded vertex which results in an O(n^2) issue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Temechon Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 And you are totally right. I'm working on it to optimize it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameMonetize Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 Please try with the latest 2.3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 yep, this function is not too optimized :-) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaananW Posted October 20, 2015 Share Posted October 20, 2015 So, the modified loader can be tested now - Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vousk-prod. Posted October 21, 2015 Share Posted October 21, 2015 Ah ah!! In exactly 12h, a mega big performance issue posted by a user is addressed and corrected by the BJS community! Once again, BJS team power ! Love it! Jaskar 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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