I have 4 fbx files. First one has a mesh and a skeleton but no animations (skeleton is in T Pose). The other files have skeletons with animations but no mesh (Second has skeleton with idle animation Third has skeleton with walk animation Fourth has skeleton with run animation) The skeleton is same in all four files. I do not have any program to merge the files together. Is there a way I can load the 4 files into BabylonJS and play the three animations on the mesh? (I am using the Babyl
reddozen, That worked for me. Thanks Now I am struggling with an other issue, Mixamo (http://www.mixamo.com) is offering lots of free characters and animations for a limited time. I downloaded some of them, imported them io blender and edited them there. But exporting them as babylonjs messes them up. I had better luck with fbxexporter. But for that i have to download each animation with character as fbx. Cannot do just animation due to above issue