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cubemap with one image


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hello everyone


I found a tutorial that show how to do env mapping


but it uses 6 separated images

most env map (inc blender generated and the one given in the tutorials as extra images) are one image combined


is there a way to use such all-in-one image ?



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If you unwrap UVs in a program such as Blender, and build a texture from your six images after unwrapping specifically to apply to your cube in a program such as Photoshop, then you will be able to apply your single texture to a cube uniquely covering all sides in BJS.  However, as the resolution of this single texture will be much larger than the six individual images - and there will be areas of the single combined image (texture) which will be unused, I believe it is much more efficient to use the 6 images as textures for your cube - as opposed to a single combined image for your texture; since your overhead ( in image resolution) will be far less than the 6 individual images themselves


For what reason would you want to combine all 6 images into a single image texture?



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tried Blender EnvMapping texture type ... just crap,


then I just created a simple setup, with a camera at center, and 6 frames of animations,

here is the scripts that does the render with the right texture names if anyone wants to do the same


import bpyimport ospath=bpy.path.abspath("//");def RenameFile(i,fileName):    scene=bpy.data.scenes['Scene']    scene.frame_set(i)    scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(path,fileName);    bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) # render still    RenameFile(1,"skybox_ny.png");RenameFile(2,"skybox_pz.png");RenameFile(3,"skybox_py.png");RenameFile(4,"skybox_nz.png");RenameFile(5,"skybox_px.png");RenameFile(6,"skybox_nx.png");


but I got another issue:


the tutorial (https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/wiki/13-Environment) says all textures should be PNG files but the engine complains cos it's looking for JPG files


is there an option for the CubeTexture to set it to PNG,DDS... ???



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