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Nested Group Not Allowing Z Sort


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Sorry for the double post. I can't seem to change the Z sort of groups when they are nested inside another group. Am I doing something wrong? Does phaser not allow this?


Here's an example (sudo):

Make object {  group1: this.game.add.group(),  group2: this.game.add.group(),  group3: this.game.add.group(),  group4: this.game.add.group(),  group5: this.game.add.group}Render all elements and put in group {  group1.add(all artwork)}Set group z{  objectGroup.group1.z = 9;  objectGroup.group2.z = 8;  objectGroup.group3.z = 7;  objectGroup.group4.z = 6;  objectGroup.group5.z = 5;}

This works fine, as you can see here:




However, when I try to add the object containing my groups to a parent group, the sort seems to now work :(




I've tried using this.game.bringToTop(objectGroup.groupX), as well as this.game.bringToTop(groupMain). I'm calling this.world.sort('z') from the update loop just to make sure that it's working correctly now. I will move it out of there once this issue has resolved.





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Fixed thanks to CtlAltDel and jmp909. 


I was sorting the world of groups, but not the sub group.. my update loop now looks like this:

update: function() {    this.world.sort('z');    parentGroup.sort('z');},
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