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Camera position


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Why Phaser.Game.Camera .x and .y is set on left up corner and .position is on view center? It is very confusing and documentation doesn't tell nothing about this difference.

/*** The Cameras x coordinate. This value is automatically clamped if it falls outside of the World bounds.* @name Phaser.Camera#x* @property {number} x - Gets or sets the cameras x position.*/Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "x", {    get: function () {        return this.view.x;    },
/*** The Cameras position. This value is automatically clamped if it falls outside of the World bounds.* @name Phaser.Camera#position* @property {Phaser.Point} position - Gets or sets the cameras xy position using Phaser.Point object.*/Object.defineProperty(Phaser.Camera.prototype, "position", {    get: function () {        this._position.set(this.view.centerX, this.view.centerY);        return this._position;    },
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