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How To Switch Cameras in A Scene On Buttone Click?


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In Babylon JS, only one camera is active at a time, howver you can construct multiple cameras in a scene.  How can you allow the users to swtich cameras on a button click.


For example, in this Three Js scene, you can hit 1 or 2 button to switch cameras, making an active camera false or true.



The only example i have seen in Babylon JS is the Train example, however there is no explanation of how to switch the cameas on button click.




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scene.activeCamera = myCamera;
i tried to add button 1 and button 2 attach to different cameras.  It does not work        
 var b1 = document.getElementById('b1'), b2 = document.getElementById('b2');
            //var currentCAM= camera;
            function show() {
            b1.onclick = function() {
                var currentCAM = camera2;
                return currentCAM;
           b2.onclick = function() {
                currentCAM = camera;
                return speed;
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Hi again, AH!


http://urbanproductions.com/wingy/babylon/cameras/10cam/index.html  (view source).  That's how I did it, once (BJS v1.14).  I'm not a very good coder, but... maybe there's something in there you can use.  I created and styled my buttons dynamically... with JS.  *shrug* 


I did a playground version of it, too, but it quit working with one of the BJS versions and I haven't fixed it yet, sorry.


Start simple... get some buttons, make sure they can run functions with their onclicks.  Maybe each function has a simple alert.  Flesh-out the functions (make them switch cameras) AFTER you know that your buttons are causing functions to run.  This way, you have separated the HTML/DOM activity (onclicks)... from the BJS activity (camera stuff).   Party on.

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Hi again, AH!


http://urbanproductions.com/wingy/babylon/cameras/10cam/index.html  (view source).  That's how I did it, once (BJS v1.14).  I'm not a very good coder, but... maybe there's something in there you can use.  I created and styled my buttons dynamically... with JS.  *shrug* 


I did a playground version of it, too, but it quit working with one of the BJS versions and I haven't fixed it yet, sorry.


Start simple... get some buttons, make sure they can run functions with their onclicks.  Maybe each function has a simple alert.  Flesh-out the functions (make them switch cameras) AFTER you know that your buttons are causing functions to run.  This way, you have separated the HTML/DOM activity (onclicks)... from the BJS activity (camera stuff).   Party on.

Your code has an interesting strategy.  Instead of switchng camera names, you actually create a new camera on button click that has the same camea name.  it seems there must be something that prevents changing the active camera names after run-time rendering has started.  

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