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How to update position of drawRect


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I am drawing a rectangle around the tile my mouse is over, but it draws a new rectangle every time I go over a new tile. How could I make it update the position of the rectangle instead of drawing a new rectangle every time?

if(msX >= tileX * tileWidth && msX <= (tileX + 1) * tileWidth && msY >= tileY * tileHeight && msY <= (tileY + 1) * tileHeight) {			var g = game.add.graphics(0, 0);			g.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1);			g.drawRect(tileX * tileWidth, tileY * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);		}
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Just draw the rectangle once, at the size you need it (your tileWidth, tileHeight values) and then position the graphics object where the mouse is. If you're using the current dev branch you can just do:

g.x = game.input.x;g.y = game.input.y;

Have a look at the examples/tilemaps/paint tile demo for a good example of doing just this.


If you're on the current master branch then I'm pretty sure you can still do it, but just use:



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I'm on the latest dev branch. I put g.y in the console log and the position is definitely updating, but the rectangle isn't moving.

var g;function create() {    g = game.add.graphics();    g.lineStyle(2, 0x000000, 1);    g.drawRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight);}function update() {   g.x = tileX*tileWidth;   g.y = tileY*tileHeight;   console.log(g.y);}

That's basically the short version of what I have

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