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Calculation of draw calls


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I tried already before (was my first idea) - but nothing is shown: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#CTHIE#6


Your example uses "CreateBox" again, ignoring, that I only have the min and max Verticex to create the box. (I know - I could write a function that calculates from there the center and scaling-factors and create a box and scale and move it around - and use the RenderEdges function in the end, because the wireframe splits the faces of the cube, wich is not intended)


But I liked it to see that there seemed an easy way to build a box with 2 Vertices only: - only the 3 draw calls for the bounding box are irritating and makes it slow in the end :(

var min_coordinates = new BABYLON.Vector3(-4, -10, -2);var max_coordinates = new BABYLON.Vector3(20, 1, 10);var custombb_mesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("custom_boundingbox", scene);var vertexdata = new BABYLON.VertexData();vertexdata.indices = [];vertexdata.positions = [	min_coordinates.x, min_coordinates.y, min_coordinates.z,	max_coordinates.x, max_coordinates.y, max_coordinates.z];vertexdata.applyToMesh(custombb_mesh);custombb_mesh.showBoundingBox = true;
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