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Spatial partitioning not being calculated correctly


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For my game engine I'm using the spatial-partitioning method to optimize collision checks.


I am using a 1d array to represent a 2d grid. Al of the grid creation appears right, however; objects are not being placed inside of the grid properly.


Can you see the below functions and help me detect what is going wrong?


This is done every game-loop with this function first:

//Used to separate level into zones for collision checks
this.begin_spatialpartioning = function( cLevelWidth, cLevelHeight)
this.spatialGridBoxSize = 512; //default size of one grid
this.spatialGridWidthSize = 512; //default size of one grid in pixels
this.spatialGridHeightSize = 512; //default size of one grid in pixels
if( typeof cLevelWidth!="undefined" && typeof cLevelHeight!="undefined")
//Restarts the collision spaces grid.
if( cLevelWidth>0 && cLevelHeight>0)
this.spatialGridWidthAmount = Math.ceil(cLevelWidth/this.spatialGridWidthSize);
if( this.spatialGridWidthAmount<2)
this.spatialGridWidthSize = cLevelWidth/2;
this.spatialGridWidthAmount = 2; 
this.spatialGridHeightAmount = Math.ceil(cLevelHeight/this.spatialGridHeightSize);
if( this.spatialGridHeightAmount<2)
this.spatialGridHeightSize = cLevelHeight/2;
this.spatialGridHeightAmount = 2;
//smallest size possible is 2x2
var iGrid, jGrid;
var xStart=0, yStart=0;
var newSpace;
for( iGrid =0; iGrid < this.spatialGridWidthAmount; iGrid+=1)
for( jGrid=0; jGrid < this.spatialGridHeightAmount; jGrid+=1)
newSpace = new this.SuperSpatialPartition();
yStart = 0;
console.log("Unable to create spatial partitioning. Map to small.("+cLevelWidth+","+cLevelHeight+").");
console.log("Unable to create spatial partitioning. Invalid dimensions given.("+cLevelWidth+","+cLevelHeight+").");


Then this function:

//creates all of the collisions
this.parse_spatial_collisions = function()
//rest collision tree
this.collisionsCheckedCount = 0;
this.colisionObjectLoops = 0;
var foundGameObject = IS_NULL;
var foundOtherGameObject = IS_NULL;
var foundGameObjectHolder = IS_NULL;
var foundOtherGameObjectHolder = IS_NULL;
var iObjectHolder = IS_NULL;
var jObjectHolder = IS_NULL;
var iObject = IS_NULL;
var jObject = IS_NULL;
var objectTypeCollidedBefore = false;
var otherObjectType;
var jObjectStart;
var objPartition = [-1, -1, -1, -1];
objPartition[0] = -1; //top-left corner
objPartition[1] = -1; //top-right corner
objPartition[2] = -1; //bottom-left corner
objPartition[3] = -1; //bottom-right corner
var iCtrPartition = 0;
var foundPartitionSpace = IS_NULL;
this.parsed_objects  = 0;
//check for collisions with grids
//iterates through each object holder
//Correct for later optimizations with this.GAME_OBJECTS made into this.GAME_OBJECTS_WITH_COLLISIONS
for (iObjectHolder = 0; iObjectHolder < this.GAME_OBJECTS.length; iObjectHolder += 1)
foundGameObjectHolder = this.GAME_OBJECTS[iObjectHolder];
if( typeof foundGameObjectHolder!="undefined")
//iterates through the object's holder list
for (iObject = 0; iObject < foundGameObjectHolder.size(); iObject += 1)
foundGameObject = foundGameObjectHolder.at(iObject);
//makes sure object still exists
if( typeof foundGameObject!="undefined")
if( foundGameObject!=IS_NULL)
objPartition[0] = -1; //top-left corner
objPartition[1] = -1; //top-right corner
objPartition[2] = -1; //bottom-left corner
objPartition[3] = -1; //bottom-right corner
//makes sure the object has collisions(To be edited out on new update )
//if( foundGameObject.isInit )
//&& OBJECT_LIST.size()> 0
//places objects in up to 4 spatial grids.
objPartition[0] = Math.floor( (foundGameObject.collisionBox.xPos*this.spatialGridHeightAmount / this.spatialGridWidthSize) +(foundGameObject.collisionBox.yPos / this.spatialGridHeightSize) );
objPartition[1] =Math.floor( ( foundGameObject.collisionBox.x2Pos*this.spatialGridHeightAmount / this.spatialGridWidthSize)+( foundGameObject.collisionBox.yPos / this.spatialGridHeightSize) );
objPartition[2] =Math.floor( (foundGameObject.collisionBox.xPos*this.spatialGridHeightAmount / this.spatialGridWidthSize)  +(foundGameObject.collisionBox.y2Pos  / this.spatialGridHeightSize) );
objPartition[3] =Math.floor( (foundGameObject.collisionBox.x2Pos*this.spatialGridHeightAmount / this.spatialGridWidthSize) +( foundGameObject.collisionBox.y2Pos / this.spatialGridHeightSize) );
objPartition = this.make_array_unique(objPartition);
for( iCtrPartition = 0; iCtrPartition < objPartition.length; iCtrPartition+=1)
if( objPartition[iCtrPartition] < 0 || objPartition[iCtrPartition] >= this.COLLISION_AREA_SPACES.size()  )
foundPartitionSpace = this.COLLISION_AREA_SPACES.at( objPartition[iCtrPartition] );


Also here is the function for unique array maker:

this.make_array_unique = function(arr)
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) 
if (result.indexOf(arr[i]) == -1)
return result;

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