NistorCristian Posted August 28, 2015 Share Posted August 28, 2015 I'm trying to make a Missile that will follow the player. My problem is that I don't know how to get the player position inside Missile object. I will paste my code below and write a comment where the problem is:window.onload = function() { var GameState = function(game) { }; // Here is a custom game object Player = function (game, x, y) {, game, x, y, 'player'); }; Player.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Player.prototype.constructor = Player; /** * Automatically called by World.update */ Player.prototype.update = function() { // this.angle += this.rotateSpeed; }; // Load images and sounds GameState.prototype.preload = function() {'ground', '/phaser/img/background2.png');'player', '/phaser/img/dude.png', 32, 48);'bullet', '/phaser/img/bullet.png');'gun', '/phaser/img/gun.png');'rocket', '/assets/gfx/rocket.png');'platform', 'assets/platform.png'); }; // Setup the example GameState.prototype.create = function() { var player = new Player(game, 200, 300); game.add.existing(player); // Set stage background to something sky colored = 0x4488cc; // Define movement constants this.MAX_SPEED = 350; // pixels/second this.ACCELERATION = 2600; // pixels/second/second this.DRAG = 200; // pixels/second this.GRAVITY = 1500; // pixels/second/second this.JUMP_SPEED = -400; // pixels/second (negative y is up) this.SHOT_DELAY = 100; // milliseconds (10 bullets/second) this.BULLET_SPEED = 500; // pixels/second this.NUMBER_OF_BULLETS = 10; this.platforms = this.add.physicsGroup(); for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { this.platforms.create(, 600),, 300), 'platform'); }; this.platforms.setAll('body.allowGravity', false); this.platforms.setAll('body.immovable', true); // Create a player sprite this.player = player; // Enable physics on the player, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Make player collide with world boundaries so he doesn't leave the stage this.player.body.collideWorldBounds = true; // Set player minimum and maximum movement speed this.player.body.maxVelocity.setTo(this.MAX_SPEED, this.MAX_SPEED * 10); // x, y // Add drag to the player that slows them down when they are not accelerating this.player.body.drag.setTo(this.DRAG, 0); // x, y this.player.body.setSize(20, 32, 5, 16); this.player.animations.add('left', [0, 1, 2, 3], 10, true); this.player.animations.add('turn', [4], 20, true); this.player.animations.add('right', [5, 6, 7, 8], 10, true); this.player.animations.add('jumpright', [6], 10, true); this.player.animations.add('jumpleft', [1], 10, true); // Create a missile and add it to the game in the bottom center of the stage new Missile(,, - 16) ); // Since we're jumping we need gravity game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = this.GRAVITY; // Flag to track if the jump button is pressed this.jumping = false; // Create some ground for the player to walk on this.ground =; for(var x = 0; x <; x += 32) { // Add the ground blocks, enable physics on each, make them immovable var groundBlock =, - 32, 'ground');, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); groundBlock.body.immovable = true; groundBlock.body.allowGravity = false; this.ground.add(groundBlock); } // Create an object representing our gun this.gun =, this.player.y, 'gun'); // Set the pivot point to the center of the gun this.gun.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Create an object pool of bullets this.bulletPool =; for(var i = 0; i < this.NUMBER_OF_BULLETS; i++) { // Create each bullet and add it to the group. var bullet =, 0, 'bullet'); this.bulletPool.add(bullet); // Set its pivot point to the center of the bullet bullet.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Enable physics on the bullet, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Set its initial state to "dead". bullet.kill(); } // Simulate a pointer click/tap input at the center of the stage // when the example begins running. =; =; // Capture certain keys to prevent their default actions in the browser. // This is only necessary because this is an HTML5 game. Games on other // platforms may not need code like this.[ Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT, Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT, Phaser.Keyboard.UP, Phaser.Keyboard.DOWN ]); }; // Missile constructor var Missile = function(game, x, y) {, game, x, y, 'rocket'); // Set the pivot point for this sprite to the center this.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5); // Enable physics on the missile game.physics.enable(this, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); // Define constants that affect motion this.SPEED = 250; // missile speed pixels/second this.TURN_RATE = 5; // turn rate in degrees/frame }; // Missiles are a type of Phaser.Sprite Missile.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype); Missile.prototype.constructor = Missile; Missile.prototype.update = function() { // Calculate the angle from the missile to the mouse cursor game.input.x // and game.input.y are the mouse position; substitute with whatever // target coordinates you need. var targetAngle = this.x, this.y, this.player.position.x, this.player.position.y // ----- >>>> HOW TO CALL PLAYER ??? ); // Gradually (this.TURN_RATE) aim the missile towards the target angle if (this.rotation !== targetAngle) { // Calculate difference between the current angle and targetAngle var delta = targetAngle - this.rotation; // Keep it in range from -180 to 180 to make the most efficient turns. if (delta > Math.PI) delta -= Math.PI * 2; if (delta < -Math.PI) delta += Math.PI * 2; if (delta > 0) { // Turn clockwise this.angle += this.TURN_RATE; } else { // Turn counter-clockwise this.angle -= this.TURN_RATE; } // Just set angle to target angle if they are close if (Math.abs(delta) < { this.rotation = targetAngle; } } // Calculate velocity vector based on this.rotation and this.SPEED this.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(this.rotation) * this.SPEED; this.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(this.rotation) * this.SPEED; }; var facing = 'right'; // The update() method is called every frame GameState.prototype.update = function() { this.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, this.platforms, this.setFriction, null, this); this.physics.arcade.collide(this.bulletPool, this.platforms, this.setFrictionBullet, null, this); // Collide the player with the ground, this.ground); if (this.leftInputIsActive()) { if (facing != 'left'){'left'); facing = 'left'; } if (this.upInputIsActive()) {'jumpleft'); }; // If the LEFT key is down, set the player velocity to move left this.player.body.acceleration.x = -this.ACCELERATION; } else if (this.rightInputIsActive()) { if (facing != 'right'){'right'); facing = 'right'; } if (this.upInputIsActive()) {'jumpright'); }; // If the RIGHT key is down, set the player velocity to move right this.player.body.acceleration.x = this.ACCELERATION; } else if(this.upInputIsActive()){ if (facing == 'idle-left'){'jumpleft'); }else if(facing == 'idle-right'){'jumpright'); } }else { if (facing != 'idle'){ this.player.animations.stop(); if (facing == 'left'){ this.player.frame = 0; facing = 'idle-left'; }else if(facing == 'right'){ this.player.frame = 5; if (facing != 'idle-left') { facing = 'idle-right'; }; }else if(facing == 'idle-left'){ this.player.frame = 0; }else if(facing == 'idle-right'){ this.player.frame = 5; } } this.player.body.acceleration.x = 0; } console.log(this.player.body.velocity.x); // Set a variable that is true when the player is touching the ground var onTheGround = this.player.body.touching.down; // If the player is touching the ground, let him have 2 jumps if (onTheGround) { this.jumps = 2; this.player.body.drag.x = 500; this.jumping = false; } // Jump! Keep y velocity constant while the jump button is held for up to 150 ms if (this.jumps > 0 && this.upInputIsActive(150)) { this.player.body.drag.x = 200; this.player.body.velocity.y = this.JUMP_SPEED; this.jumping = true; } // Reduce the number of available jumps if the jump input is released if (this.jumping && this.upInputReleased()) { this.jumps--; this.jumping = false; } // Aim the gun at the pointer. // All this function does is calculate the angle using // Math.atan2(yPointer-yGun, xPointer-xGun) this.gun.rotation =; this.gun.position.x = this.player.position.x + 20; this.gun.position.y = this.player.position.y + 40; // Shoot a bullet if ( { if (this.gun.angle > -90 && this.gun.angle < 90 && > this.player.body.x && (facing == 'right' || facing == 'idle-right')) { this.shootBullet(); }else if((this.gun.angle < -90 || this.gun.angle > 90) && < this.player.body.x && (facing == 'left' || facing == 'idle-left')){ this.shootBullet(); }; } }; GameState.prototype.shootBullet = function() { // Enforce a short delay between shots by recording // the time that each bullet is shot and testing if // the amount of time since the last shot is more than // the required delay. if (this.lastBulletShotAt === undefined) this.lastBulletShotAt = 0; if ( - this.lastBulletShotAt < this.SHOT_DELAY) return; this.lastBulletShotAt =; // Get a dead bullet from the pool var bullet = this.bulletPool.getFirstDead(); // If there aren't any bullets available then don't shoot if (bullet === null || bullet === undefined) return; // Revive the bullet // This makes the bullet "alive" bullet.revive(); // Bullets should kill themselves when they leave the world. // Phaser takes care of this for me by setting this flag // but you can do it yourself by killing the bullet if // its x,y coordinates are outside of the world. bullet.checkWorldBounds = true; bullet.outOfBoundsKill = true; // Set the bullet position to the gun position. bullet.reset(this.gun.x, this.gun.y); bullet.rotation = this.gun.rotation; // Shoot it in the right direction bullet.body.velocity.x = Math.cos(bullet.rotation) * this.BULLET_SPEED; bullet.body.velocity.y = Math.sin(bullet.rotation) * this.BULLET_SPEED; bullet.body.allowGravity = false; }; // This function should return true when the player activates the "go left" control // In this case, either holding the right arrow or tapping or clicking on the left // side of the screen. GameState.prototype.leftInputIsActive = function() { var isActive = false; isActive = this.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.LEFT); return isActive; }; // This function should return true when the player activates the "go right" control // In this case, either holding the right arrow or tapping or clicking on the right // side of the screen. GameState.prototype.rightInputIsActive = function() { var isActive = false; isActive = this.input.keyboard.isDown(Phaser.Keyboard.RIGHT); return isActive; }; // This function should return true when the player activates the "jump" control // In this case, either holding the up arrow or tapping or clicking on the center // part of the screen. GameState.prototype.upInputIsActive = function(duration) { var isActive = false; isActive = this.input.keyboard.downDuration(Phaser.Keyboard.UP, duration); return isActive; }; // This function returns true when the player releases the "jump" control GameState.prototype.upInputReleased = function() { var released = false; released = this.input.keyboard.upDuration(Phaser.Keyboard.UP); return released; }; GameState.prototype.setFriction = function(player, platform) { player.body.x -= platform.body.x - platform.body.prev.x; }; GameState.prototype.setFrictionBullet = function(bullet, platform) { bullet.kill(); }; var game = new Phaser.Game(848, 450, Phaser.CANVAS, 'game'); game.state.add('game', GameState, true);}; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staafsak Posted August 29, 2015 Share Posted August 29, 2015 this.player.position.x, this.player.position.yhave you tried this.player.x and this.player.y instead without the position inbetween? Tilde 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juanvillegas Posted August 30, 2015 Share Posted August 30, 2015 The "player" the missile is following should be passed as a parameter when the missile is created. You should call it the "target" or something like that.So, create a missile like so: new Missile(player). In the constructor, do = player. Then to get the player's position just get the x, y position by doing and Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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