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Phaser games on Steam


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I am making a guide to help people get their Phaser (or any HTML5 game, really) game on Steam:


My game Curvatron is now on Steam Greenlight (link here). I looked it up but couldn't find any other Phaser games on Steam, doe you guys know of any?

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That looks really good! What's the music?


I don't know of other Phaser games on Steam, but here's a game written in ImpactJS on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/293440/


Here is the music: http://opengameart.org/content/doodle-menu-like-song

The guy also made the sound effects I use in the game. I'll credit him in the video and on the game now, as I haven't credited him anywhere until now.

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I have recently begun thinking about Steam myself.  It seems to me like this is might be the way to go:


·         Node-Webkit (Native apps in HTML/JavaScript on a runtime based on Chromium and node.js) - https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/wiki


·         Greenworks (Steam achievements functionality as well as Steam Authentication methods for JavaScript) - https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks



.... is that how you did it?

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I have recently begun thinking about Steam myself.  It seems to me like this is might be the way to go:


·         Node-Webkit (Native apps in HTML/JavaScript on a runtime based on Chromium and node.js) - https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/wiki


·         Greenworks (Steam achievements functionality as well as Steam Authentication methods for JavaScript) - https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks



.... is that how you did it?

Yep, pretty much just that. Greenworks doesn't have Steam leaderboards support, though. I've tried to see if I could implement it myself but I'm having trouble compiling greenworks.

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Hi @Raicuparta!! I see this post today and go to steam to see your game and is amazing. Do you have some tutorials? I'm starting in Phaser and any tutorial, best practice, or architecture design will be helpful for me! Thanks in advance. If you have or decide to make a game dev tutorial series I will like to watch it!

Excelent Game!

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Hi @WilX94. I'm glad you like the post post and the game. Unfortunately I don't really have any other tutorials, and don't plan on writing any, since I haven't really developed anything similar in a few years. Best I can do is provide you with the source code for Curvatron. But to be honest, I would strongly advise against using it for learning, we were very inexperienced when we developed it. It is full of spaghetti code, and poor practices in general. Plus, it is based on a very old version of Phaser. You shouldn't have a hard time finding good tutorials and example projects for recent versions of Phaser :) Best of luck to you!

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