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Hi Pixi Gurus ;),

I have played a bit with Pixi and now I'm doing some productive stuff with it, but I stuck with resizing.

Currently I'm loading and cuting out a part of my Image, but how can I resize this part as (Base)Texture to ex. 64x64?

var baseTexture = new PIXI.BaseTexture.fromImage("assets/demo.png", false, PIXI.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST);var size = new PIXI.Rectangle(16, 32, 16, 16);var texture = new PIXI.Texture(baseTexture,size);

Thank you in advance ;)

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ok thank you, there is no way to resize the (Base)Texture so I can use it in multiple Textures?

A texture is just a description of what rectangle of a base texture to use, a base texture is just a description of what image to use.

A sprite describes where and how to draw a texture in the world. This includes scaling and other things.

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  • 1 year later...

I effectively need a way to get the texture scaled on pixel basis, to output the created texture as array to a selfmade LED screen.

I use a RenderTexture which renders the whole screen, and want to rescale the texture (on pixel data basis, as said before). I cannot get it to work:

tex = new RenderTexture(renderer, mywidth, myheight, PIXI.SCALE_MODE_NEAREST, scale) => I scaled it down to myWidth, myHeight but it only takes the myWidth, myHeight part on the screen itself and scales that one down, much blank space left.

tex = new RenderTexture(renderer, renderer.width, renderer.height, PIXI_SCALE_MODE_NEAREST, scale) => scaling works and it takes the whole image, but the output texture is as big as the screen itself, also with much blank space.

I can not find a way to get a 100x100 texture out of a 400x400 screen, scaled properly. Can anyone help here, please? And please, no sprites. I need the pixel data at the end (to remember, this is the third time. ;) )

Thanks in advance for your answers.


OK I got it, we need sprites.

It works now. Here is my code for all who may need it.

	// get screen data.
	this.getScreenAsTexture = function(renderWidth, renderHeight)
		// _PIXIRootStage is the container which has to be scaled and rendered to texture.
		// _PIXIRenderer is the renderer of this class.

		var renderer = _PIXIRenderer;

		// set render size if <= 0
		if(renderWidth <= 0)
			renderWidth = renderer.width;
		if(renderHeight <= 0)
			renderHeight = renderer.height;
		// compute scaling factor.
		var scale = 1;
		var sc = renderWidth;
		var sc2 = renderer.width;
		if(renderHeight<renderWidth) //[edit] use smaller instead of bigger value.
			sc = renderHeight;
			sc2 = renderer.height;
		if(sc > 0 && sc2 > 0)
			scale = sc / sc2;

		// first, render the screen to a texture.
		var origTex = new PIXI.RenderTexture(renderer, renderer.width, renderer.height);

		// create sprite and container to resize the texture
		var stage = new PIXI.Container();
		var sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(origTex);
		sprite.scale.x = scale;
		sprite.scale.y = scale;
		// render the original again in scaled mode.
		var renderTex = new PIXI.RenderTexture(renderer, renderWidth, renderHeight);

 		return renderTex;


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