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Phaser.Tween.yoyo with array of properties - broken?

in mono

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Hi there. I stumbled upon a possible bug in Phaser.Tween.yoyo. It might be a mistake in my approach as well.
Here's the simplest possible test case: http://phaser.io/sandbox/edit/iTbKujZu
I'm tweening a sprite along a path of points and if I don't use yoyo, it's fine. If I only use a single value for each tweened property (e.g. {x : 300, y : 300}), it's also fine. But if I pass an array of values and use yoyo, the sprite jumps to an unexpected location after the loop.


Note: the sandbox is still using Phaser 2.3.0, but that's fine since I'm still using the same version in the game I'm making.


Edit: Added an alert at the end of the tween to show the resulting wrong values of x and y. 

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